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Digital Opportunity through Technology and Communication Partnerships

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The DOT-COM Alliance is a global network of partners that collaborates with USAID to increase digital opportunity for the under-served.

"Digital Opportunity through Technology and Communication" (DOT-COM) is an alliance of three cooperative agreements to promote information and communication technology for development.

DOT-COM activities cross all sectors, including education, economic growth, women in development, agriculture, trade, health, environment, and telecommunications/e-commerce policy. The three DOT-COM cooperative agreements provide expertise and services in policy, access, and learning systems.

The DOT-COM award for policy ("dot-GOV") provides assessments, training and technical assistance on telecommunications and electronic commerce policy and regulatory reform. The DOT-COM award for access ("dot-ORG") provides pilots, technical assistance and institutional support to increase access and use of communication technology by the under-served. The DOT-COM award for learning systems ("dot-EDU") provides pilots, technical assistance and institutional support for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in learning systems. Gender equity and collaboration with private sector ICT firms are emphasized throughout DOT-COM. The Global Bureau Center for Human Capacity Development (G/HCD) and the Office of Women in Development (G/WID) fund the core DOT-COM awards.

DOT-COM Background

The DOT-COM program provides USAID access to fifteen grantee institutions and over 75 resource partners who work on ICT-for-development issues. Building on the strategies of the African Leland initiative and the worldwide Internet for Economic Development Initiative, DOT-COM provides USAID missions with a broad set of tools to participate in a global effort to bridge the digital divide.

How DOT-COM Works

Three "Leader with Associates" cooperative agreements have been awarded to implement the USAID DOT-COM Alliance. "Leader" refers to the core award vested with central funds. "Associate" refers to awards associated with the Leader award which are negotiated by the missions or operating units funding the Associate award. Each DOT-COM Leader with Associates award has a prime grantee with sub-grantees and resource partners who are named below. Collaboration with sub-grantees and resource partners can be accessed through the prime. The three DOT-COM awards are linked to work cooperatively through the Secretariat housed in the dot-ORG award. The expected value of the Leader awards is $15,000,000 of core funds over five years. Missions and regional bureaus will contribute additional funds for DOT-COM Associate awards.

Agency contacts for DOT-COM include:
dot-GOV: Edward Malloy, emalloy@usaid.gov,
dot-ORG: Jeff Cochrane, jcochrane@usaid.gov,
dot-EDU: Stephen Tournas, stournas@usaid.gov,
overall DOT-COM program, Tony Meyer, ameyer@usaid.gov

For more information please click here to visit the DOT-COM Alliance site that is hosted by the DOT-COM grantees and partners.
