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Success Stories

USAID India raises quality of life for people and expands prosperity.
See stories of success in each of our program areas.

- Economic Growth
- Health
- Disaster Management
- Energy & Environment
- Opportunity & Equity


- Eco-Friendly Farming Takes Root in India. Read more (PDF, 68k)

- Eco-Friendly, More Productive Farming Takes Root in India. Read more

- Managing India 's Cities. Read more

- Technology Broadens Famers' Markets. Read more (PDF, 39k)

Young boy with a notebook. Photo Credit: Kristen Kelleher, USAID India
Photo Credit: Kristen Kelleher, USAID India



- Million-Dollar Pharma Industry Investment in Diarrhea Treatment. Read more (PDF, 63k)

- Smaller Families Thanks to More Family Planning. Read more (PDF, 68k)

- Empowering Vulnerable Children Through Dance. Read more

- A Brighter Future For Sunita. Read more

- A New Hope For Kausar. Read more

- Balbir Pasha Stirs Protection Talk. Read more (PDF, 184k)

Spreading HIV/AIDS Awareness Among High Risk Groups In Tamil Nadu. Read more

- Addressing Reproductive And Child Needs Among The Urban Poor. Read more

- Innovations In Child Survival And Reproductive Health. Read more

- Runaway Boy Becomes Soccer Star. Read more (PDF, 66k)

- Lessons That Save Lives. Read more (PDF, 129k)

- Resources Focus on Children with AIDS. Read more (PDF, 57k)

- Runaways Get a Second Chance. Read more (PDF, 58k)

- Social Hubs Help Teach About AIDS. Read more (PDF, 53k)

- Supporting Families Affected by AIDS. Read more (PDF, 94k)

- Outreach Gives Options to a Runaway. Read more (PDF, 72k)

- Mothers Bring Children to New Homes. Read more (PDF, 86k)

- From Housewife to Village Chief. Read more (PDF, 65k)

- Center Promotes Women’s Health. Read more (PDF, 69k)

- AIDS-affected Families Get Help. Read more (PDF, 82k)


Volunteers Prepare for Disasters. Read more (PDF, 64k)

- Hazard-prone Areas Run Disaster Drills. Read more (PDF, 88k)

- Returning to the Sea. Read more (PDF, 85k)


- Drip Irrigation Helps Farmers Save Money. Read more

- Town Chases Away Mosquito Menace. Read more (PDF, 393k)

Indian Expertise Used for Re-Building Skills in Afghanistan. Read more

Tirupur Project Heralds a Water Revolution in India. Read more (PDF, 405k)

- A City Finds a Windfall in Efficiency. Read more (PDF, 74k)

- Electricity Benefits Poor Neighborhoods. Read more (PDF, 86k)

- Harvesting the Rain.  Read more (PDF, 84k)

Cleaner Air for Calcutta. Read more

- Power to the People. Read more

- Zero Pollution Vehicles Travel the Streets in India. Read more

- Delhi Metro Receives ISO 14001 For Eco-Friendly Systems. Read more

- Greenhouse Gas Reduction. Read more

- Sustainable Water Harvesting. Read more

- Dependable Power, Dependable Crops. Read more (PDF, 60k)

- Business Center Blazes a Green Trail. Read more (PDF, 97k)

- Electricity Powers Literacy for Women. Read more (PDF, 66k)


A Woman Finds a Haven from Violence. Read more (PDF, 57k)

- Protecting Victims of Violence. Read more (PDF, 61k)

- Broadcasts Bolster Classroom Experiences for Students and Teachers. Read more (PDF, 493k)


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July 24, 2007
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