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USAID: From The American People disability and development With USAID training, citizens in Brazil become active stakeholders in the politics of hydropower projects in their communities - Click to read this story
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Read the final report from the Motivation Architectural Access Program, a small-scale reconstruction School children in the blind school, Tangalle walk along the tactile pathwayprogram that worked in Tsunami-affected
areas of
Sri Lanka.

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USAID Disability Initiatives

Disability Policies

USAID Disability Policy Paper
(pdf, 36kb)

Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID-Financed Construction
(pdf, 157kb)

Additional guidance on waivers of the application of standards for new construction on renovation (html)

Supporting USAID’s Disability Policy in Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements
(pdf, 231kb)

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is committed to including people who have physical and mental disabilities and those who advocate and offer services on behalf of people with disabilities.
A factory worker using a wheelchair works along side co-workers who do not have disabilities.
Courtesy of Motivation/Sri Lanka
This commitment extends from the design and implementation of USAID programming to advocacy for and outreach to people with disabilities.

USAID's policy on disability is as follows: To avoid discrimination against people with disabilities in programs which USAID funds and to stimulate an engagement of host country counterparts, governments, implementing organizations and other donors in promoting a climate of nondiscrimination against and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

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Tue, 01 May 2007 16:51:24 -0500