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Hurricane Mitch and Georges:
From Relief to Reconstruction


Dominican Republic

USAID Country Profile

USAID Mission Site

Congressional Budget Justification

Other USG sites

U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo

Federal Emergency Management Agency

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. General Accounting Office

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Dominican Republic Programs

USAID Program Documents PDF size
» Closeout Report 499kb
» Presentation of Key Programs 992kb
» List of Partners 113kb
» Reconstruction Plan, May 1999 195kb
» Final Report on USDA 416(b) Small Farm Recovery 196kb
» Evaluation of Community Disaster Mitigation Program 301kb
» Final Inspector General's Report, September 2002 440kb
» Evaluation of Reconstruction Start-Up Phase 1,209kb
» Lessons Learned: Accountability, Transparency, and Hurricane Mitch 177kb

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Other resources on this site related to hurricane reconstruction activities in the Dominican Republic:

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Program Documents
PDF Size
» Final Report: Executive Summary and Recommendations 295kb
» Dominican Republic Report 49kb
» Best Practices for Project Impact 482kb

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Program Documents
PDF Size
» Special Objective 1: Executive Summary & Recommendations 441kb
» Special Objective 1: Dominican Republic Country Report 237kb
» Key USDA Hurricane Project Personnel 21kb
» Final Financial Report 40kb

General Accounting Office (GAO)
Program Documents
PDF Size
» GAO Final Report 785kb

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Program Documents
PDF Size
» Final Summary Report, July 2002 100kb
» Dominican Republic Country Report 107kb

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Program Documents
PDF size
» March 2002 Progress in the Dominican Republic 19kb
» March 2002 Progress Overview 22kb
» Final Report Rehabilitation and Lab Capacity Study, July 2002 150kb
» Reconstruction Plan, August 1999 215kb
