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HIV/AIDS Photo Gallery of Success Stories for Asia & the Near East and Europe & Eurasia

Photo a factory clinician providing medication for a young garment worker. Cambodia: A factory clinician provides medication for a young garment worker Photo of men in uniform educating one another on HIV risks in Cambodia. Cambodia: Cambodia’s men in uniform educate one another on HIV risks
Photo of Monks attending the funeral of a community resident who died from AIDS-related complications. Cambodia: Monks attend the funeral of a community resident who died from AIDS-related complications Photo of young adults brainstorming about methods of HIV transmission. Central Asia: Young adults brainstorm about methods of HIV transmission
Photo of a Saadhan mobile clinic provides HIV counseling in India. India: Saadhan mobile clinic provides HIV counseling and testing Photo of nutrition counselor Suneeta Sayhayam with a client. India: Nutrition counselor Suneeta Sayhayam with a client.
Photo of a still image from a commercial featuring two men pondering the ever-present question: Will Balbir Pasha get AIDS? India: A still image from a commercial features two men pondering the question Photo of women standing in line at a busy New Delhi hospital. India: Women stand in line at a busy New Delhi hospital
Photo of students participating in a role-playing activity for World AIDS Day. Jordan: Students participate in a role-playing activity for World AIDS Day. Photo of Dr. Svetlana Posokhova, who helps newborns arrive HIV-free. Ukraine: Dr. Svetlana Posokhova helps infants arrive HIV-free
Photo of a Vietnamese barber discussing HIV prevention with a customer. Vietnam: A barber discusses HIV prevention with a customer Photo of male construction workers in a peer education session in Vietnam. Vietnam: Male construction workers in a peer education session

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Fri, 11 Feb 2005 08:17:31 -0500