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Results by Sector


Analysis of USAID Employee Survey 2004


The links on this page will take you to the results of USAID's fourth annual survey of Employees. There were 4,004 responses to the survey.

Who Replied:

 Number of Responses 2004 2003 Percent Responded 2004 Percent Responded
FS - Foreign Service 729 67% 67%
CS - Civil Service 514 54% 45%
FSN – Foreign Service National 1,847 40% 37%
Other Types 914    

Response Rates by Bureau

Bureau Number of Responses 2004 Percent 2004
AID/W EGAT Bureau 141 66%
AID/W GH Bureau 124 71%
AID/W DCHA Bureau 142 48%
AID/W AFR Bureau 74 76%
AID/W ANE Bureau 93 NA
AID/W E&E Bureau 91 83%
AID/W LAC Bureau 59 70%
AID/W Management Bureau 342 64%
AID/W PPC Bureau 66 73%
AID/W LPA Bureau 24 42%
Overseas- Africa 978 46%
Overseas- Europe & Eurasia 489 40%
Overseas- Asia and Near East 573 37%
Overseas- Latin America and the Caribbean 569 47%

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Wed, 12 Jan 2005 15:29:01 -0500