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Sudan Transitional Assistance for Rehabilitation (STAR) Program Components and Funding

Before STAR: Evolution of the Program in Western Equatoria

Program Basics: Components/Funding & Impact

STAR Project Goal

To increase participatory democracy and good governance practices in opposition-controlled areas of Sudan

The Components:

Economic Rehabilitation Program to support “grass roots” Sudanese civil society (implemented by CRS).

The Economic Rehabilitation Program is implemented with effective local participation through the SPLM Development Assistance Technical Team (DATT) and County Development Committees (CDC).

Economic Rehabilitation Program funds are invested in various sectors including: production and marketing; institutional capacity building; peace and reconciliation; cooperative shops; transport business; promotion of good governance; community health care; and micro-enterprise.

Economic Rehabilitation ThreeYear Results: 70+ subgrants funded; 3,486 direct beneficiaries; 2,843,559 indirect beneficiaries; $2,433,169 total funds committed; $982,813 total loan capital repayable

Capacity Building of Civil Administrators in public administration and finance, governance, accountability, and human rights (implemented by UNICEF).

    Supported workshops and surveys Mapel civil society conference South Sudan Law Society conference. Survey on women and children's rights Training for civil administrators - a total of 80 trained in Akot and Yambio This activity ended in December 2001. It will be replaced with the Local Governance Strengthening (LOGOS) Program, a three-year $10 million program to increase the capacity of local-level administrators to: 1) undertake participatory budget planning, in coordination with nascent local public assemblies and in accordance with local priorities; 2) generate revenues, through fair and transparent procedures; and 3) efffectively and transparently control finances.

Members of the Maridi Catholic Women 
Action Group

Members of the Maridi Catholic Women Action Group. This Economic Rehabilitation Program loan recipient group has a very successful grinding mill operation that not only generates income, but also saves women in the community from spending hours manually grinding grain.

Strategic Analysis and Capacity Building in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management (implemented through the AFR/SD USDA RSSA)

  • Activity implementation began in October 2000.
  • Supports technical assistance, field surveys and assessments, workshops, strategic development training, reference materials, and other activities to strengthen capacity in the Ag/Natural Resources sectors.
  • Sub-sector working groups exist for: agriculture; livestock/wildlife; forestry/indigenous wild foods; geology and water; women and natural resources; and legal and institutional framework. Each group has agreed on priorities and is in the process of implementing activities including field surveys and strategic analysis in their respective sub-sectors. It is expected that the working groups' products will contribute to agriculture and natural resource policy development in southern Sudan.

Social Services Operations and Rehabilitation (SOAR) (implemented by IRC and Christian Aid)

  • Begun in 2000 to rehabilitate productive assets in opposition-controlled areas of Sudan by increasing the capacities of local groups and civil authorities to build and maintain social service infrastructure.
  • Education Rehabilitation activity rehabilitated Rumbek Secondary School (implemented by CRS) and plans to rehabilitate more than ten girls schools.
  • Pilot law survey completed in two counties (Christian Aid).
  • Technical assistance and training to personnel of county health departments to initiate a pilot cost-recovery program for health clinics in Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria regions (implemented by IRC).

Impact of the STAR Program

  • Has fostered civil society and civil authorities working together to prioritize and allocate resources for development.
  • Has provided orientation to participatory democracy.
  • Has provided capital to support local development initiatives.
  • Has helped to create hope and interest to invest.
  • STAR Funding

    Fiscal Year 1998 - $3 million
    • $2 million for CRS GM/CB (Economic Rehabilitation)
    • $750,000 for UNICEF Civil Administration Training
    • $250,000 for Activitiy Management
    Fiscal Year 1999 - $2.12 million
    • $1.64 million for CRS GM/CB (Economic Rehabilitation)
    • $250,000 for UNICEF Civil Administration Training
    • $250,000 for Activity Management
    Fiscal Year 2000 - $3.8 million
    • $1.5 million for CRS GM/CB (Economic Rehabilitation)
    • $200,000 quick disbursement for small activities
    • $250,000 for Strategic Analysis and Capacity Building in Ag/Natural Resources Management
    • $1.88 million for SOAR
    Fiscal Year 2001 - $3.7 million
    • $1.75 million for Economic Rehabilitation
    • $350,000 for Strategic Analysis/Capacity Building
    • $481,800 for program management, evaluations, design
    • $1.12 million for SOAR
    Fiscal Year 2002 - $4.38 million
    • $1.68 million for LOGOS
    • $1.15 million for Economic Rehabilitation
    • $650,000 for Strategic Analysis/Capacity Building
    • $900,000 for program management, evaluations, designs

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    Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:48:07 -0500