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Ocean Transportation

Photo: The M/V Free Atlas in the Port of Aqaba, Jordan, carrying a shipment of food aid bound for IraqOn this page, you will find opportunities for doing business under USAID's food aid program. These opportunities will be directed at firms that supply ocean transportation and related services.

Posted on this site are Ocean Transportation Request for Proposals (RFPs) as well as a listing of previous contract awards issued in the past six months. In addition to RFPs for direct USAID contracts, you will also find RFPs issued by Private Voluntary Organizations that participate in the P.L. 480 Food for Peace Title II program.

Also posted on this site are guideline rates issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Office in Kansas City. These monthly guideline rates showed the ocean transportation rates and carriers that were formerly used to allocate food aid to ports prior to the introduction of the one-step web-based Freight Bid Entry System (FBES) which became effective with Invitation 037.

Also posted on this site are current cargo preference statistics which represent the tonnage amount and percentage of P.L. 480 Title I food aid cargo shipped on U.S. and foreign flag vessels for USAID's Food for Peace Program.

You can also find general information about the P.L. 480 Title II program and "Notices to the Trade," program participants and several links to other agencies' related websites. The Ocean Freight Reimbursement (OFR) Program is the oldest ongoing Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) support program, allowing recipients to ship a wide variety of goods overseas for use in privately funded development and humanitarian assistance programs. The Denton Program allows private U.S. citizens and organizations to use space available on U.S. military cargo planes to transport humanitarian goods, such as clothing, food, medical and educational supplies, and agricultural equipment and vehicles, to countries in need.

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Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:31:16 -0500