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Iraq Information

Reports to Management

Disclaimer Notice: Requests for a signature copy should be directed to USAID's Freedom of Information Office

September 27, 2005 "Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Cash Control Procedures"(PDF-283.28KB)

February 28, 2005 "Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Health System Strengthening Contract Activities(PDF-581KB)

January 31, 2005 "Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Community Action Program"(PDF-480KB)

January 6, 2005 "Audit of USAID’s Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Contract for Security Services in Iraq to Kroll Government Services International Inc."(PDF-338KB)

September 20, 2004 "Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Economic Reform Program"(PDF-363KB)

August 6, 2004 "Audit of USAID’s Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Phase II Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, Program Advisors and Oversight Contract(PDF-285KB)

June 3, 2004 "Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Infrastructure Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program"(PDF-1,002KB)

May 19, 2004 "Capping Report on the Audit of USAID’s Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Phase I Contracts"(PDF-339KB)

May 19, 2004 "Audit of USAID’s Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Basic Education Phase II Contracts"(PDF-307KB)

April 20, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program Phase II Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 04-006)"(PDF-26KB)

March 22, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Contract for Economic Recovery, Reform and Sustained Growth Contract in Iraq (AIG/A Memorandum 04-005)" (PDF - 49KB)

March 19, 2004 "Audit of USAID’s Results Data for Its Education Activities in Iraq" (PDF -1KB)

January 27, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Seaport Assessment and Operation Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 04-004)" (PDF - 33KB)

January 27, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Airport Administration Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 04-003)" (PDF - 38KB)

January 14, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Monitoring and Evaluation Program Performance Task Order (AIG/A Memorandum 04-001)" (PDF - 102KB)

January 14, 2004 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Agriculture Reconstruction and Development Program for Iraq Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 04-002)" (PDF - 81KB)

October 17, 2003 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Health System Strengthening in Post-Conflict Iraq Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 03-005)" (PDF - 126KB)

September 9, 2003 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Sub-National Governance and Civic Institution Support Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 03-004)" (PDF - 122KB)

July 23, 2003 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 03-003)" (PDF - 134KB)

June 20, 2003  "Memorandum to Timothy T. Beans, M/OP, on USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Personnel Support Services Contract (AID/A Memorandum 03-002)."(PDF - 75 KB)

June 6, 2003 "USAID's Compliance with Federal Regulations in Awarding the Iraq Education Sector Contract (AIG/A Memorandum 03-001)." (PDF - 114 KB)

April 25, 2003 "Timothy T. Beans Iraq Seaport Administration and Airports Administration Contracts." (PDF - 26 KB) 

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Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:42:54 -0500