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Serbia Creates Summer Basketball Camp in Kragujevac

Over one hundred teenagers, ages 14 - 17, from nine municipalities of Central Serbia participated in the Kragujevac Summer Basketball Camp, managed by Mr. Rod Wood, a basketball coach from Mary Washington College in Fredricksburg, VA. Girls and boys from the region gathered and, through basketball games and instruction, exchanged experiences and built new friendships.

Basketball Dribbling

"Sport is a great way to expose young people to the possibilities for greater social engagement and for addressing community problems,” explained Zoran Nikolic, a local NGO manager and partner in the "Community Revitalization through Democratic Action" (CRDA) program, a civil society program working throughout Serbia that uses community development activities to build trust between different ethnic and religious groups, to demonstrate the value of citizen participation, to support grass roots democratic action and to bring immediate improvement in people’s living conditions. Working with community groups on civic participation, community infrastructure, income generating and environmental improvement projects, CRDA helps citizens obtain the information and resources needed to make decisions on issues affecting their lives. The basketball camp is a civic participation project developed by community groups and ACDI/VOCA, the USAID CRDA implementing partner in Central Serbia.

Teaching while other youths watchYouth provide an opportunity for increasing civic participation by getting youth excited and interested in their communities and offering them opportunities to participate in activities aimed at improving their communities. Few, if any, programs exist which encourage volunteer civic participation activities. The Summer Basketball Camp provides opportunities for volunteer civic participation in an environment that is fun and exciting, which demonstrates to youth that community participation can be fun and rewarding. By including participants from all 14 municipalities, these youth may return to their communities to plan and participate in activities of their own, particularly in the CRDA framework.

Basketball DribblingDuring the weeks of camps, players participate in planned civic participation and other activities, including discussions and training on civic participation, youth participation in the CRDA process, community leadership, and the interrelationship between sports and academics. In addition to engaging participants in daily basketball drills, games and lectures, each team assisted with the installation of two new basketball hoops in a park in downtown Kragujevac.

Teams line up for the Basketball Tournament"The camp is an effective and fun way to connect with youth, not only in this region, but across Serbia and Montenegro. This project opens the door for a multitude of similar projects using basketball and other sports to build confidence and community," stated Mr. Wood. The project utilizes sports to encourage youth to discuss common issues and potential solutions.

During the final weekend of the camp, teams from each municipality participated in a tournament attended by several hundred spectators.

Through the CRDA program, USAID provided funds valued at $10,888 for the Kragujevac Summer Basketball Camp. Rod Wood served as a volunteer to the project and returned to Northern Virginia to coach Mary Washington College to it’s first Divisional Championship ever! His experience in Serbia obviously paid off.

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Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:14:12 -0500