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Development Experience System (DEXS)

DEXS is a bibliographic database that contains records for over 100,000 USAID technical, program, and project documents. There are abstracts for some of the documents. Electronic versions of many of the documents are available through the database. The public may access DEXS through USAID's website at

Development Information Services - Statistics (DIS Stats)

DIS Stats is a database maintained by the Statistical Unit of USAID's Development Information Services (DIS). The database also contains historical loan and grant data compiled by U.S. governmental and international organizations. Data from this database is used to produce the publication, "U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants and Assistance from Other International Organizations" (

FOIA Tracking Database

The FOIA Tracking Database is maintained by USAID's Information and Records Division (IRD). IRD processes USAID's FOIA requests. Such data as the names of institutional requesters, documents requested, status and exemptions used are recorded. The addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses for all requesters and the names of requesters who file as individuals are not included. The public does not have access to this database. You are welcome to file a FOIA request for an electronic report from this tracking system.

Trade Capacity Building Database

This database provides access to the full set of survey data gathered from a survey of programs and activities that promote trade-related capacity building in development countries and transition economies. The public can access this database through the USAID website at

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Thu, 08 Feb 2007 17:16:34 -0500