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USAID Macedonia - Community Self-Help Initiative (CSHI)

Macedonia’s Youth show up in force to contribute to the harmony and well being of their communities, with the guidance of Mak Action (Macedonian Volunteers for Action) in collaboration with the NGO “First Children’s Embassy in the World-Medjashi” and assistance from the USAID/CSHI program.

Phase I of the Mak Action program, which ran from July 22 – September 22 of 2002, saw more than 130 volunteers and 850 participants get involved in community based projects aimed at improving the environment, improving quality of life through exercise and group activities, promoting local talent, and ultimately, encouraging multiethnic collaboration and volunteerism. The program was launched in the municipalities of Kicevo, Kocani, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo, Sveti Nikole and Tetovo. With guidance from CSHI regional representatives, three volunteers (18-29 years of age) in each community took responsibility for planning and organizing events, recruiting additional volunteers, and engaging participants from all local ethnic groups in fruitful activities to benefit their communities.

The activities, with budgets ranging from $1000 - $2000, included sports camps, environmental cleanups, bicycle races, folk dance performances, art colonies and the completion of a local basketball court. To highlight their collaborative spirit, all participants - including children and adults of different ethnicities - sported the colorful Mak Action t-shirts and hats donated by USAID’s Local Government Reform Project.

Youth Talent Competition
The activities in Kicevo Municipality included a Youth Talent Competition, drawing 66 children of Albanian, Macedonian, Roma, and Serbian ethnicity.

The activities in Kicevo Municipality included a Youth Talent Competition, drawing 66 children of Albanian, Macedonian, Roma, and Serbian ethnicity, and a ten day Summer Sports Camp, which attracted an additional 83 participants from four ethnic groups. In both cases the number of participants significantly surpassed initial estimates of 50 children each. Twenty volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the success and smooth running of these events.

volunteer program in Kocani
The volunteer program in Kocani “Summer Happening 2002” was a huge success.

The volunteer program in Kocani “Summer Happening 2002” was a huge success. It ran from August 8 to September 21, and consisted of swimming, tennis and basketball camps. More than 60 residents acted as volunteers, and over 250 children took part in the events. An additional 130 people participated in a town parade and bicycle race to celebrate their community. Again, the number of participants far surpassed the estimates. Local businesses also joined in the spirit by supplying materials, lunches, and extra equipment. An ongoing media campaign promoting volunteerism through television and radio broadcasts, newspapers, brochures, and posters was launched, supported by a local printing company. In addition, young volunteers from Kocani organized a “Citizens’ Needs” public survey, a community picnic, a youth talent concert, an art colony and the revitalization of a public miniature golf course. All events of “Summer Happening 2002” were promoted and documented by volunteer photographers and filmmakers.

Kriva Palanka gathered together 20 community volunteers
Kriva Palanka gathered together 20 community volunteers and 130 participants in a project to complete a partially constructed basketball court in a public park.

Kriva Palanka gathered together 20 community volunteers and 130 participants in a project to complete a partially constructed basketball court in a public park. Children and parents from the neighborhood of 2,000 inhabitants participated in the different stages of construction: 100 volunteers turned up en masse to participate in a preparatory cleaning of the park, additional volunteers laid concrete with three hired workers, and numerous others helped erect a second backboard and hoop and install lights around the court. Paths leading from the court to a children’s playground were filled in with gravel giving the park a finished, inviting look. A small ceremony opened the court for use, and an inaugural basketball tournament is planned for the second half of October.

municipalities of Kumanovo and Tetovo both held clean-up campaigns
The municipalities of Kumanovo and Tetovo both held clean-up campaigns, which served to draw different ethnic communities together in an effort to enhance quality of life for all residents.

The municipalities of Kumanovo and Tetovo both held clean-up campaigns, which served to draw different ethnic communities together in an effort to enhance quality of life for all residents. In Kumanovo the event took place following the national elections, and was publicized through a local newspaper. A total of 55 volunteers aged 8-40 pitched in to clean up the city center, removing debris left mostly from the election campaigns and its aftermath celebrations. In Tetovo, a community very much lacking in safe play areas for children, 25 students joined the CSHI Regional Representative and four volunteers to clear debris and manicure the grounds of a small park in the center of the town. This small project has impacted the community in positive ways, generating enough interest and volunteers for several more clean-up initiatives planned for the near future.

Mak-Action program with two Artists’ Colonies involving young children
The municipality of Sveti Nikole launched the Mak-Action program with two Artists’ Colonies involving young children aged 9 to 15.

The municipality of Sveti Nikole launched the Mak-Action program with two Artists’ Colonies involving young children aged 9 to 15. These events were followed by three separate clean-up initiatives covering the city center, the city park, and the old town. A weeklong Folk Dance Festival was also held, with Macedonian, Roma and Turk children performing national dances and teaching them to each other. “Games Without Borders” was yet another event where the cultural divide was overcome when local children of all ethnic groups played together in loosely organized games. A total of 250 participants, ages 9-15, and 30 volunteers contributed to the success of Mak Action in this community.

The overall response to Mak Action has been so great that Phase II is now underway. The program has been broadened to include four additional municipal regions: Debar, Kavadarci/Negotino, Stip/Veles and Strumica. Volunteers in each community are busy planning projects for the next year, such as after-school counseling programs, a youth newspaper, music festivals, renovations of youth complexes and parks, restoration of public monuments, and the production of a small-business directory. Mak-Action continues to collaborate with “First Children’s Embassy in the World-Medjashi”, coordinating their efforts in such a way as to ensure the continuity of the program long after CSHI is gone. Hats off to all those who have contributed to this exciting initiative!

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Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:14:09 -0500