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South Asia Earthquake: Relief and Reconstruction

February 24, 2006
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Pakistan Desk Officer: 202-712-1116
Public Information: 202-712-4810

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan on October 8, 2005, at 8:50 a.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Its epicenter was located near Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and approximately 60 miles north-northeast of Islamabad. Aftershocks continue in the affected areas. Mountainous terrain, cold weather, and damaged or collapsed infrastructure affect the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The most affected areas are the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), Northern Punjab, and AJK in Pakistan, and Indian-administered Kashmir in India.

Pakistan 73,338 dead Government of Pakistan
69,412 injuredGovernment of Pakistan
2.8 million homeless International Organization for Migration
India1,309 dead Government of India
6,622 injuredGovernment of India
150,000 homelessGovernment of India

USAID Responds

In Pakistan:

  • The U.S. pledged $510 million to support relief and reconstruction in Pakistan, including $110 million in in-kind support from the U.S. military and $100 mil contributed by private American contributions.
  • October 8, 2005, USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) that has been working with to assess humanitarian needs, provide technical support, and assist with targeting and coordination of U.S. Government (USG) assistance Headquartered in Islamabad, the DART established operating bases in Muzaffarabad and Mansehra that are now phasing out.
  • USAID has helped established 228 tent schools, improved shelter for 550,000, supported the food needs for 1 million people, and provided cash-for-work opportunities to 45,000 Pakistanis.
  • USAID has provided nearly $70 million in humanitarian assistance to earthquake-affected communities. USAID identified shelter, relief supplies, logistics, health, water and sanitation, and livelihoods support as priority sectors for relief operations. USAID has also provided textbooks and school supplies.
  • USAID has provided nearly $6.4 million in emergency relief commodities, including transport costs, for earthquake-affected populations. USAID has completed 25 flights of emergency relief commodities delivering a total of 97,725 blankets, 1,570 winterized tents, 8,050 rolls of plastic sheeting for approximately 36,672 families, 15,000 water containers, 17 water bladders, two water purification units, ten UN World Health Organization emergency health kits, 20 concrete cutting saws, and 136 shelters donated by Alaska Shelters.
  • As part of its overall response, USAID contributed over $22.6 million to the UN South Asia Earthquake Flash Appeal to support transitional shelter programs, food, health, water and sanitation, humanitarian air service, logistical coordination, transport of supplies, and movement of populations to safe areas.
  • USAID has funded nine NGOs to provide shelter assistance to approximately 75,500 households. This includes providing sheets of tarpaulin, blankets, corrugated galvanized iron sheeting, tool kits, both winterized and non-winterized tents, and other materials.
  • Through NGOs, USAID is constructing more than 3,500 latrines in camps and villages in affected areas. In addition, USAID is funding the repair and rehabilitation of approximately 100 rural water systems.
  • To restore livelihoods and generate incomes, USAID funds NGOs to manage cash-for-work programs to rehabilitate the physical infrastructure and rebuilding earthquake-resistant structures. USAID voucher programs are giving affected populations the flexibility to purchase humanitarian commodities while simultaneously infusing an estimated $1 million into the local economy.
  • To help Government of Pakistan (GOP) prepare for and reduce the impact of subsequent earthquake hazards, USAID is committing over $240,000 to create a seismograph station network in/around earthquake-prone cities and to develop training strategies for reconstructing earthquake-resistant structures there.
  • USAID responded to the UN World Food Program 6,790 metric tons of vegetable oil and 480 metric tons of wheat soy blend, valued at ~$9 million in total.
  • On October 27, five private-sector CEOs launched the South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund with the support of President Bush, to spearhead private relief and reconstruction fundraising. To date, it has received almost $19 million in cash and pledges, and allocated $4.5 million to five NGOs focused on relief efforts. It will allocate remaining funds to reconstruction. The USAID Acting Administrator currently sits on SAERF's Advisory Committee. To date, total private contributions from the U.S. to earthquake relief and reconstruction are estimated at $130 million.

    In India

    • From October 11 to 17, USAID's DART assisted with damage and needs assessments and made recommendations regarding USG assistance. On November 15-16, USAID representatives visited Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir in order to monitor program progress of USAID-funded partners.

    USAID Rebuilds

    • The USG is committed to working with GOP and its people to help "build back better." On January 21, it signed a four-year, $200 million agreement with the GOP to support the earthquake reconstruction program.
    • USAID will support Pakistani reconstruction programs by constructing new seismic resistant schools and healthcare facilities in NWFP and AJK ensuring each building is fully equipped and furnished. The pre-solicitation notice for the earthquake reconstruction Request for Proposals was posted on on February 16. It will close on April 14.
    • Working closely with the GOP, USAID will soon start construction on a middle school in Balakot, one of the most affected towns. Construction will begin later this year on 60 more schools.
    • Later this year, construction will also begin on health care facilities including a hospital, four rural health centers and 20 basic health units.
    • USAID will also provide professional training for new and existing health and education personnel and will re-establish systems needed to sustain these facilities. The Request for Applications for the Post-Earthquake Health Recovery Program was posted in the on February 14, and will close April 3.
    • USAID is restoring livelihood opportunities for individuals in earthquake-affected areas, including training of unskilled workers to promote earthquake-resistant shelter construction standards and practices.

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  • Mon, 27 Feb 2006 17:23:38 -0500