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USAID From the American People Democracy & Governance Meri Awaz Suno, Journalist in Rawalpindi interviewing a USAID beneficiary.
Principal Officer Bryan Heath of the US Consulate in Lahore, Pakistan congratulates graduates of political party training program.

Political Activists in Punjab Conclude Training Series

Participants elect leaders to represent them at political party training session.“Democracy is a simple word to say but it is a very complicated process,” said Bryan Heath, Principal Office of the U.S. Consulate in Lahore. Speaking at the final session of the NDI Political Party Development Program in Punjab, Heath encouraged participants to look to and influence the future. “Only you can decide the future of your country,” he said.

NDI has organized a series of training workshops in Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh Provinces for activists of all political stripes. These sessions, intended to enhance leadership skills and help participants better understand the nature and principles of politics, are part of USAID’s broader program to strengthen key democratic institutions in the lead up to 2007 national elections in Pakistan.

The winning political party project idea – a get out the vote campaign – is described by its author.  At last weekend’s event in Lahore, participants were required to develop and present ideas for projects that could be carried out by their political parties. The project ideas generated ranged from developing membership databases to conducting comprehensive voter outreach activities. Awards to given to those who generated the best ideas.