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USAID: From The American People Disaster Assistance At a fair in Touba Toul, a Senegalese merchant with her infant strapped to her back exchanges her produce for USAID-funded seed vouchers - Click to read this story
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India: Disaster Response Updates
USAID information products are available for disaster responses listed below. For information on other disaster responses, please see OFDA's Annual Reports.

FY 2008

Bangladesh - Cyclone
03-31-2008 Fact Sheet #11 (67kb PDF) and (map)
12-12-2007 Fact Sheet #10 (58kb PDF) and (map)
12-07-2007 Fact Sheet #9 (80kb PDF) and (map)
12-05-2007 Fact Sheet #8 (80kb PDF) and (map)
12-03-2007 Fact Sheet #7 (84kb PDF) and (map)
11-30-2007 Fact Sheet #6 (83kb PDF) and (map)
11-28-2007 Fact Sheet #5 (90kb PDF) and (map)
11-26-2007 Fact Sheet #4 (92kb PDF) and (map)
11-23-2007 Fact Sheet #3 (81kb PDF) and (map)
11-21-2007 Fact Sheet #2 (78kb PDF) and (map)
11-19-2007 Fact Sheet #1 (74kb PDF) and (map)

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Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:37:13 -0500