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Knowledge Sharing and Analysis (KSA) Project for AGCI

In June 2007, USAID launched the Knowledge Sharing and Analysis (KSA) project for the African Global Competitiveness Initiative (AGCI) to support African policymakers in advancing trade-led economic growth. KSA is designed to synthesize, analyze, and disseminate program and best practice information and improve AGCI data collection and knowledge sharing practices, systems, and tools.

KSA Objective and Implementation

AGCI's KSA project is designed to:

  • Implement AGCI's knowledge sharing strategy
  • Analyze and disseminate best practices in trade development
    • overcoming infrastructure constraints
    • enabling environment policy reform
    • enterprise development
  • Conduct best practices workshops for sub-Saharan audiences
  • Facilitate the organization and implementation of the annual AGOA Forum, including presenting the achievements of AGCI-funded regional projects in a consolidated annual report

The KSA team is conducting a series of baseline assessments and analytic activities that will facilitate the development of a knowledge sharing strategy leading to effective AGCI data reporting.

KSA project activity includes a series of audits as well as consultations in the African regions to take stock of current information needs and dissemination practices across USAID's Africa Bureau's Economic Growth (EGAT) portfolio and U.S. Government Agencies implementing AGCI projects. The KSA team's field assessments specifically identify USAID/Africa Missions' knowledge sharing needs and practices.

Designing, implementing, and refining the strategy will be a long-term and interactive process for which KSA will be providing on-going support and guidance.

AGCI Best Practices Workshops

A major tool for the dissemination of best practices is the delivery of workshops tailored to a sub-Saharan audience. The KSA project is planning on conducting two workshops and will endeavor to leverage the expertise of leading African and global institutions and donors. KSA is actively pursuing partnerships and co-sponsors for such events to maximize their impact.

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Wed, 02 Jul 2008 15:15:27 -0500