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Welcome to the Maine State Planning Office


Ocean Energy Task Force


Governor Baldacci established the Ocean Energy Task force to recommend a strategy to increase wind energy generation from coastal waters.  Maine’s vast renewable ocean energy potential holds enormous promise to address the state’s energy needs. The task force’s first report will be in April 2009. Learn more about the Ocean Energy Task Force.

Calendar of Events:

January 16, 2009 - Maine Commission for Community Services Board Meeting

January 20, 2009 - Deadline for written Comments on proposed rule

January 26, 2009 - Deadline for written comments on proposed rule

January 28, 2009 - Land for Maine’s Future Board Meeting

[See Complete Calendar]

Frequently Requested

SPO Highlights

Municipal Exemption Under Maine’s Informed Growth Act, January 2009
At the request of the Legislature’s State and Local Government Committee, the State Planning Office analyzed the municipal exemption clause of Maine’s Informed Growth Act.

Natural Resource Agency Task Force Report - 2008
A state task force has made nine recommendations to Governor Baldacci aimed at eliminating duplication and creating greater efficiencies that will improve services in Maine’s natural resources sector and the sectors of Maine's economy and society who derive value from those resources.

Martin Luther King Day of Service-January 19th
Initiated by Congress in 1994, King Day of Service honors that legacy by transforming the federal holiday honoring Dr. King into a national day of community service. Instead of its being just another day off from school or work, the aim is to make the holiday a day ON, where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to strengthen their community and bridge social barriers. Maine has projects from Kennebunk to Houlton. Join in the effort by taking part in a project in your community.

Nominations for Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards Now Being Accepted
Nominations are due February 16, 2009. Official nomination forms and submission criteria are available at Winners will be announced at a special ceremony at the State Capitol on April 21, 2009.

Featured Publication


Regional Landscape Conservation in Maine: Best Practices for Enhancing Quality of Place

Cover Picture

Learn about Maine’s pioneering strategies that facilitate landscape-scale conservation. This report provides guidelines that can be used across the state to organize effective regional landscape planning and conservation efforts.