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Search for information in the FY 2006 Congressional Budget Justification:


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Budget Summary Please note: All linked documents are in PDF format

Objective SO Nunber FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006
Global Awareness of US Economic Assistance 025-XXX 2,000 2,148 1,816
Total (in thousands of dollars) 2,000 2,148 1,816

Excludes P.L. 480. See Program Annex.

The Development Challenge: In all areas, the importance and breadth of the United States' foreign assistance programs are grossly under appreciated. USAID-assisted countries have little awareness of the scope and size of the U.S. assistance program. Citizens of U.S.-assisted countries do not comprehend the compassion of the U.S. taxpayer and the core values of Americans as exhibited through the U.S. foreign assistance program. The extended benefits of U.S. foreign aid - the stories of real lives being made better through U.S. foreign assistance - are told ineffectively and in a patchwork throughout the countries where USAID provides assistance. USAID has a clear obligation to ensure that the citizens of the countries where USAID provides assistance understand that the assistance is provided by the American people.

The USAID Program: USAID is beginning to address these challenges by developing a stronger capacity to tell its story. In the countries where USAID works, the agency has joined with the public affairs sections of U.S. embassies to develop and communicate to host country audiences the breadth and impact of American foreign assistance. Although still in its nascent phases, USAID is increasing its capacity to inform host country citizens of American generosity and how that generosity is helping make their lives better. In doing so, USAID is coordinating its activities with the appropriate U.S. embassy and helping these embassies to incorporate stories about the generosity of the American taxpayer as exhibited through the U.S. foreign assistance program.

Domestically, under the Development Education program, USAID has started a multi-year program to inform and educate the American public about issues relating to overseas economic and social development to increase domestic understanding of U.S. Government assistance programs overseas.

Other Program Elements: The public affairs offices of the U.S. embassies in countries where USAID provides assistance participate with the Agency in telling the U.S. stories.

Other Donors: The Development Education program requires matching contributions of cash or in-kind from partner organizations.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2005 15:41:37 -0500