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Khabarovskiy Kray Applies New Fire Prevention Advocacy Knowledge

Khabarovsk region has suffered from many forest fires during this year; the south-east and central part of the region have been damaged by large forest fires according to the Khabarovsk Forest Agency. To date, 210 fires and over 16,503 hectares have been burned this season. Most recently, over 1,286 hectares burned at two natural reserves. As a result, the Khabarovsk regional Ministry of Natural Resources, in direct cooperation with Khabarovsk branch of All Russia Society of Nature Protection and a local radio station “East of Russia,” is conducting “Keep Forest Alive” advocacy campaign in various districts of the Khabarovsk region. The campaign’s main goal is to increase the awareness of the local groups of population about the negative influences of the forest fires on the economy and ecology of Khabarovskiy kray. Campaign organizers and participants are now actively utilizing the tools developed by the FOREST Project including informational material, handouts, and a 20 minutes movie clip. The Khabarovsk branch of All Russia Society of Nature Protection was one of the key partners of the FOREST project and now is becoming the most active player among other NGOs in the area of forest fire protection and prevention.

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:05:03 -0500