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Currently available vacancies

Note: You may not be eligible to apply to all of the vacancies listed. If you register and the selected vacancy is not available, it is because the information you provided in your profile does not match the source of candidates considered for that particular vacancy.

Open to all United States citizens and nationals (residents of American Samoa and Swains Island).

Unless otherwise listed on the vacancy announcement, these positions are open to:

  • Current GSA and other Federal agency employees holding a permanent (career or career-conditional) appointment in the competitive service
  • Former Federal employees who have reinstatement rights.
  • Candidates eligible for VEOA
  • Candidates eligible for noncompetitive consideration because they meet one of the special hiring authorities.

    Some, but not all, of these authorities are: Veterans Readjustment Act, Disabled Opportunity Program, and 30% or more Disabled Veterans. Information on these Programs can be found on the Office of Personnel Management's website.

Unless otherwise listed on the vacancy announcement, these positions are restricted to:

  • GSA employees who are serving on permanent competitive service appointments (career or career-conditional)
  • GSA employees under a noncompetitive special appointing authority which provides for consideration for permanent positions (for example: Veterans Readjustment Act, Disabled Opportunity Programs).

These are executive level leadership positions within the top levels of the Federal Government and are primarily managerial in nature. Unless otherwise listed on the vacancy announcement, open to all qualified applicants.

GSA's open vacancy announcements are listed within the categories above. If you would prefer, you can search all of the open vacancy announcements regardless of category by filling out specific information on the search web page

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