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 RM-4151: Ecology & Management
of Northern Rocky Mountain Forests
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 Missoula Forestry Sciences Lab  Link to photograph.
800 East Beckwith
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 542-4150
 Bozeman Forestry Sciences Lab  Link to Bozeman lab photograph.
1648 South 7th Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-4852
 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.USDA logo which links to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.


Our studies focus on vegetation development and management in northern Rocky Mountain Forests, and include both long-established studies, some over 50 years old, and new work like our Fire Plan research. Our work encompasses a range of scales, from leaf physiology to predictions of landscape pattern over centuries.


[Photo]: HandsWe are featuring the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest where thinning and fire are being used to restore multi-age lodgepole pine forests.

[Photograph]: Feeding tubes and damage caused by the larvae of the moth, Bradyrrhoa gilveolella on the tap root of Chrondilla juncea.
Biological control in managing noxious weed invasions in western forests of the U.S, in cooperation with Switzerland, France, Republic of Georgia, Bulgaria and Ukraine More Biocontrol & Weeds information.
[Photograph]: Aerial view of Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, a typical lodgepole pine ecosystem in the Northern Rockies.
Long-term study of lodgepole pine stands on the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, typical fire-prone forest in Northern Rocky Mountains More Lodgepole Pine information.
[Photograph]: Field technicians using the Li-Cor 6400 to determine physiological variables such as photosynthesis, vapor pressure deficit, and stomatal conductance.
Determine effects of management treatments and interruption of natural disturbance processes on forest physical and chemical process dynamics (e.g., water, nitrogen, carbon) More Physiology information.
[Photograph]: Increment bore.
Determine how changes in riparian plant species composition have altered ecosystem dynamics More Riparian information.
[Photograph]: SIMPPLLE logo.
SIMPPLLE is a software application created by RM-4151 designed to simulate patterns and processes at landscape scales. This spatially explicit, object-oriented modeling approach integrates various levels of knowledge, and ultimately facilitates an understanding of landscape dynamics through time. Multiple simulations can provide a prediction of general trends for processes on a specific landscape. More SIMPPLLE information.
[Photograph]: Old growth western larch forest in the background with a young larch forest, which became established on a clearcut area, in the foreground.
Research for managing the valuable western larch species on the Coram Experimental Forest, established in 1933 More Western Larch information.
[Photograph]: The Clarks Nutcracker is the primary seed dispersal agent for whitebark pine.
Understanding the natural regeneration process and how fire may be used to return whitebark pine communities to earlier successional stages More Whitebark Pine information.
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 Last Modified: Sunday, 04-May-2003