Science and Engineering Infrastructure for the 21st Century


for this reportcommitteensb board membersacknowledment
Last Updated: 05/05/2007


Several of our colleagues were critical to initiation of the National Science Board's study. These include former National Science Board (NSB) Chair Eamon Kelly, and former Chairman of the NSB Committee on Programs and Plans, John Armstrong, who oversaw the initial phase of this inquiry. Extensive contributions were also made by former members of the Task Force on Science and Engineering Infrastructure (INF): Robert Eisenstein, Vera Rubin, and Warren Washington. Later, Dr. Washington, as NSB Chairman, helped to guide this study to its completion.

A number of people assisted the task force as speakers and presenters, including Daniel Atkins, University of Michigan; Robin Staffin, Department of Energy; and William Stamper, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We also wish to thank Office of Management and Budget staff, Sarah Horrigan and David Radzanowski, and Office of Science and Technology Policy staff, Michael Holland, who encouraged us and helped shape the direction of our inquiry in numerous productive conversations.

We appreciate the unstinting support of National Science Foundation (NSF) staff. In particular, the NSF Assistant Directors and office heads, former and current, worked closely with the task force, frequently submitting written documents, making presentations, and participating in meetings. We would like to thank NSF staff members Stephanie Bianchi, Leslie Christovich, Pamela Green, and Stephen Mahaney, all of whom made unique contributions to the report. We also thank the NSB Office staff who guided and supported all aspects of the Board's effort, including Gerry Glaser, Janice Baker, Catherine Hines, Jean Pomeroy, and Robert Webber.

Finally, we are grateful for the participation of many members of the science and engineering community who provided helpful comments and suggestions when the draft report was released for public comment on the NSF/NSB Web site. (These individuals are listed in Appendix C.)








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