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USAID Hosts Tanzanian President Kikwete

August 28, 2008
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810


Photo of President Kikwete - Click to View Video
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WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Acting Deputy Administrator James Kunder today welcomed His Excellency, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania at USAID headquarters in Washington. President Kikwete is on a three-day visit to the United States at the invitation of President George Bush.

“President Kikwete, it is a pleasure and an honor to welcome you to the Ronald Reagan Building and the headquarters of the United States Agency for International Development. The leadership that you have provided to your country is no small factor in Tanzania’s success,” said Kunder.

During His Excellency’s visit to USAID a number of important announcements were made involving assistance programs in Tanzania. The agricultural sector of Tanzania is a driving force in the economic development of the country. About 80 percent of Tanzania’s population is engaged in agriculture, and the sector contributes more than one-third of the national economy.

In support of gains already made in this sector, USAID is currently negotiating a joint credit guarantee with the African Development Bank and CRDB Bank in Tanzania, which would enable small holder farmers and agribusinesses to access up to $20 million of credit to invest in their enterprises.

Also announced was a program to provide over $2,000,000 in education assistance for the people of Tanzania in response to the need for textbooks, teacher training and English language skills. This initiative is in response to a request by President Kikwete of President Bush while visiting Tanzania earlier this year.

Also in attendance was Deputy Director for the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Ms. Leocadia Zak.

Tanzania, located on the southeast coast of Africa, is a stable country progressing along a path of democratic governance. The nation hosts hundreds of thousands of refugees and leads efforts to resolve regional conflicts peacefully.

For more information about USAID and its programs in Tanzania, please visit

The American people, through the U.S. Agency for International Development, have provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for nearly 50 years.

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Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:20:54 -0500