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ESD Publications 2002

Annually the federal researchers at ESD publish between 35-40 refereed journal articles and 5-10 peer-reviewed book chapters. Through its extramural programs, ESD funds research undertaken in the private sector. As a result, the scientific community, at-large, is provided with extensive, current research information. A bibliography of ESD's most recent publications is listed below.

Betowski, L. D. and Endow, M. Riddick L. The Phototoxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Theoretical Study of Excited States and Correlation to Experiment, EPA/600/J-02/256. (TIP # 00-058, Journal Article.) L. Betowski, PO. Computers and Chemistry, 26(4):371-377.

Brilis, G.M., Chem, B., Interim EPA guidance for geospatial-related quality assurance project plans, EPA/600/R-01/062, (TIP # 01-096, Published Report) Brilis, PO.

Brilis, G. M. US EPA Global Positioning Systems - Technical Implementation Guidance, (TIP # 02-048, Published Report.) G. Brilis, PO. Las Vegas, NV.

Bristow, M. P. Suppression of afterpulsing in photomultipliers by gating the photocathode, (TIP # 00-098, Journal Article.) M. Bristow, PO. Applied Optics, 41(27):1-13.

Baumgardner, R. E. lsil S. S. Lavery T. L. Rogers C. Estimates of the Atmospheric Deposition of Sulfur and Nitrogen Species: Clean Air Status and Trends Network, 1989 through 1994, (TIP # 02-036, Journal Article.) R. Baumgardner, PO.

Cizdziel, J. V. Hinners T. A. Heithmar E. M. Determination of total mercury in fish tissues using pyrolytsis atomic absorption spectrometry with gold amalgamation, EPA/600/J-02/209. (TIP # 01-045, Journal Article.) PO. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 135(1-4):355-370.

Cross, C. L. Diet of the eastern cottonmouth (Agkistrodon p. piscivorus) in a natural and an Anthropogenic Marsh System in Southeastern Virginia, (TIP # 00-140, Journal Article.) C. Cross, PO. Journal of herpetology.

Cross, C. L. and Petersen, C. E. Modeling Snake Microhabitat from Radiotelemetry Studies using Polyomous Logistic Regression, EPA/600/J-02/013. (TIP # 00-139, Journal Article.) C. Cross, PO. Journal of herpetology, 35(4):590-597.

Cross, C. L. Gerstenberg S. L. Rana catesbeiana (American Bullfrog) Diet, EPA/600/J-02/242. (TIP # 01-095, Joumal Article.), PO. Herpetological Review, 33(l):55-56.

Flaherty, S. Street G. Farley J. W. Brumley W. C. Investigation of CE/LIF as a Tool in the Characterization of Sewage Effluent for Fluorescent Acidics: Determination of Salicylic Acid, (TIP # 01-154, Journal Article.) W. Brumley, PO. Electrophoresis, 23:2327-2332.

Gerlach, R. W. Norcerino J. Dobb D. E. Raab G. A. Gy Sampling Theory in Environmental Studies 1: Assessing Soil Splitting Protocols, EPA/600/J-02/294. (TIP # 01-116, Journal Article.) J. Norcerino, PO. Journal of Chemometrics, 16:321-328.

Guindon, B. Edmonds C. M. Large area land cover mapping through seen-based classification compositing, EPA/600/J-02/243. (TIP # 01-102, Journal Article.) C. Edmonds, PO. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.

Holland, D. M. Acid Rain Modeling, EPA/600/J-02/008. (TIP # 00-195, Book Chapter.) D. Holland, PO. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics.

Jones, K. B. Neale A. C. Wade T. G. Wickham J. D. Cross C. L. Edmonds C. M. Loveland T. J. Nash M. S. Riitters K. H. The Consequences of Landscape Change on Ecological Resources: An Assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region, EPA/600/J-02/295. (TIP # 02-026, Journal Article.) B. Jones, PO. Ecosystem Health, 7(4):229-242.

Kepner, W. G. Watts C. J. Edmonds C. M. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Decision Analysis in Public Resource Administration: A Case Study of 25 Years of Landscape Change in a Southwestern Watershed, EPA/600/R-02/039. (TIP # 02-061, Published Report.) W. Kepner, PO. Las Vegas, NV.

Lopez, R. D. and Fennessy, M. S. Testing the Floristic Quality Assessment Index as an Indicator of Wetland Condition Along Gradients of Human Influence, EPA/600/J-02/289. (TIP # 00-073, Journal Article.) R. Lopez, PO. Ecological Applications, 12(2):487-497.

Lopez, R. D., Davis, C. B., and Fennessy, M. S. Ecological Relationships Between Landscape change and Plant Guilds in Depressional Wetlands, EPA/600/J-02/290. (TIP # 00-097, Journal Article.) R. Lopez, PO. Landscape Ecology, 17:43-56.

Lunetta, R. S., Alvarez, R., Edmonds, C. M., Lyon, J. G., Elvidge, C. D., Bonifaz, R., and Garcia, C. NALC/Mexico Land-Cover Mapping Results: Implications for Assessing Landscape Change, (TIP # 00-118, Journal Article.) R. Lunetta, PO. International Journal Remote Sensing, 23(16):3129-3168.

Lunetta, R. S. Ediriwickrema J. Johnson D. Lyon J. G. McKerrow A. Impacts of Vegetation Dynamics on the Identification of Land Cover Change in a Biologically Complex Community in North Carolina, USA, (TIP # 02-039, Journal Article.) R. Lunetta, PO. Remote Sens. Environ., in review, 82(2/3):258-270.

Nash, M. S., Whitford, W. G., Bradford, D. F., Franson, S. E. and others Ant Communities and Livestock Grazing in the Great Basin, USA, EPA/600/J-02/206. (TIP # 00-054, Journal Article.) M. Nash, PO. Journal of Applied Ecology, 695-710.

Maingi, J. K. Marsh S. E. Kepner W. G. Edmonds C. M. An Accuracy Assessment of 1992 Landsat-MSS Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S. / Mexico), EPA/600/R-02/040. (TIP # 02-062, Published Report.) W. Kepner, PO. Las Vegas, NV.

Mehaffey, M. H. Nash M. S. Wade T. G. Edmonds C. M. Jones K. B. Rager A. New York City's Water Supply - An Assessment of the Catskill/Delaware Watersheds. 1975 -1998, EPA/600/R-01/075. (TIP # 01-119, Published Report.) S. Jackson, PO.

Patterson, D. B. Brumley W. C. Kelliher V. Ferguson P. L. Application of U.S. EPA methods to the analysis of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: Determination of clofibric Acid in seqage effluent by GMCS, (TIP # 01-091, Journal Article.) W. Brumley, PO. American Laboratory, 34(1-4):20-28.

Pritchard, S. Thomas W. V. Smith E. R. REVA in a Nutshell, (TIP # 01-164, Newsletter.) E. Smith, PO. Las Vegas, NV.: U.S. EPA.

Ranasinghe, A., Frithsen, J. B., Kutz, F. W., Paul, J. F., Russell, D. E., Batiuk, R. A., Hyland, J. L., Scott, J., and Dauer, D. M. Application of two indices of Benthic Community condition in Chesapeake Bay, (TIP # 01-059, Journal Article.) F. Kutz, PO. Environmetrics.

Sickles, J.E.II, Shadwick, D.S., Correction Factors for covariance between concentration and deposition velocity on CASTNet HNO3 deposition estimates, (TIP # 00-128, Journal Article) J. Sickles, PO, Journal of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1:29-38.

Slonecker, E. T. and Lacert-Benger, M. Remote Sensing and Mountaintop Mining, EPA/600/J-02/255. (TIP # 01-019, Joumal Article.) M. Lacert-Benger, PO. Remote Sensing Reviews.

Song, Y Kim H. J. Lee K. H. An Integral equation representation of wide-band electromagnetic scattering by thin sheets, (TIP # 02-076, Journal Article.) S. Gardner, PO. Geophics, 67:746-754.

Smith, J.H., Wickham, J.D., Stehman, S.V., and Yang, L., Impacts of patch size and land cover heterogeneity on thematic image classification accuracy, (TIP # 01-061, Journal Article) J. Smith, PO, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Van Ee, J. Site Characterization Library: Volumn 1 (Release 2.5), EPA/600/C-02/002. (TIP # 02-030, Other.), PO. Washington, DC:U.S. Government Printing Office.

Wickham, J., O'Neill, R., Riitters, K., Smith, E., Wade, T., and Jones, K. Geographic targeting of water pollution vulnerability due to future urbanization, EPA/600/J-02/127. (TIP # 00-121, Journal Article) J. Wickham, PO. Ecological Applications, 12(l):93-106.

Williams, D. J. Kepner W. G. Imaging Spectroscopy for determining Rangeland Stressors to Western Watersheds, EPA/600/R-01/004. (TIP # 01-004, Published Report.) D. Williams, PO. Las Vegas, NV.

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