Annual Statistical Supplement, 2004

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Representative Payee

Table 5.L1
Number of beneficiaries with a representative payee as a percentage of all beneficiaries, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2003
Type of beneficiary and age All beneficiaries Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage of
all beneficiaries
Total 47,053,140 4,978,970 10.6
Adult beneficiaries 43,971,880 1,900,070 4.3
Retired workers 29,547,530 432,610 1.5
Under 65 2,587,310 4,440 0.2
65–74 14,314,220 130,210 0.9
75–84 9,471,170 147,950 1.6
85 or older 3,174,830 150,010 4.7
Disabled workers 5,867,460 698,810 11.9
Under 35 396,380 118,730 30.0
35–44 983,310 171,810 17.5
45–54 1,840,090 222,990 12.1
55 or older 2,647,680 185,280 7.0
Wives and husbands 2,773,630 21,840 0.8
Under 65 442,490 2,730 0.6
65–74 1,379,880 8,640 0.6
75–84 830,830 7,690 0.9
85 or older 120,430 2,780 2.3
Widow(er)s a 4,690,410 135,570 2.9
Under 65 639,790 2,510 0.4
65–74 1,354,790 21,220 1.6
75–84 1,723,400 48,090 2.8
85 or older 972,430 63,750 6.6
Disabled widow(er)s 207,630 13,890 6.7
Under 55 26,820 2,020 7.5
55–64 180,810 11,870 6.6
Disabled adult children 757,200 593,760 78.4
Under 35 209,310 149,030 71.2
35–44 205,470 161,010 78.4
45–54 177,340 144,420 81.4
55 or older 165,080 139,300 84.4
Students aged 18–19 128,020 3,590 2.8
Children under age 18 3,081,260 3,078,900 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,759,180 2,759,180 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 322,080 319,720 99.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 10 percent sample.
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536 or Cherice N. Jefferies (410) 965-5520.
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