North Dakota

State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2005

State Supplementation

Mandatory Minimum Supplementation

No recipients.

Optional State Supplementation

Administration: State-administered through the local county offices of social services. Payments are made under the vendor payment program known as Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled.

Effective date: July 1975.

Statutory basis for payment: North Dakota Century Code, chapter 50-24.5.


Administration: State funds.

Assistance: State and county funds.

Passalong method: Maintaining payment levels.

Place of application: County social service offices.

Scope of coverage: Coverage for residential and in-home options for aged, blind, and disabled SSI recipients is limited to adults in licensed basic care facilities or licensed foster homes and to those receiving in-home services enabling the recipient to remain at home. Children under age 18 are not eligible for optional supplementation.

Resource limitations: Federal Medicaid resource limitations used, except a more restrictive disqualifying transfer provision and more restrictive disqualifying penalties apply.

Income exclusions: Cost of guardianship fee of up to 5 percent of the monthly gross income. Sixty-five dollars plus one-half of the remaining monthly gross earned income.

Recoveries, liens, and assignments: State law provides for recovery of supplementation from the estates of former recipients and deceased spouses.

Financial responsibility of relatives: None.

Interim assistance: State does not participate.

Payment levels: See Table 1.

Table 1.
Optional state supplementation payment levels, January 2005 (in dollars)
Living arrangement Combined federal and state State supplementation
Individual Couple Individual Couple
Licensed basic care facility 878.16 1,467.32 299.16 598.32
NOTES: Couples residing in this living arrangement are treated as two individuals starting with the month after leaving an independent living arrangement.
The state pays the difference between the basic rate and the SSI payment, or any other income received by a recipient. The amount shown is the average supplementation.
Licensed basic care facility
Includes recipients in room and board facilities with five or more individuals who because of impaired capacity for independent living require health, social, or personal care services but do not require 24-hour medical or nursing services.

Number of recipients: See Table 2.

Table 2.
Number of persons receiving optional state supplementation, January 2005
Living arrangement Total Aged Blind Disabled
Licensed basic care facility 476 -- -- --
NOTE: -- = not available.

State Assistance for Special Needs


County social service boards.

Special Needs Circumstances

At option of individual counties.

Homemaker and housekeeper services: Services available to recipients aged 60 or older.

Licensed adult foster home: When costs of care exceed total of SSI and state supplementary payment, the state will pay the difference up to the established maximum rate.

Personal care and home help: Services available to recipients living independently who require help with personal care and household activities.

Burial expenses: Payment of funeral and burial expenses for SSI recipients will not exceed $1,100. When a resource exists, it is deductible from the total benefit.



Criteria: State guidelines.

Determined by: State.

Medically Needy Program

State provides a program for the aged, blind, and disabled medically needy.

Unpaid Medical Expenses

The Social Security Administration does not obtain this information.