U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
Earnings and Employment Data for Workers Covered Under Social Security and Medicare, by State and County, 2004


Table 3.
Number of persons with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2004
County or city and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
OASDI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Nevada 1,184,687 1,128,323 95,115 32,224,240 30,559,030 1,665,210 3,995,806 3,789,320 206,486
Men 653,362 619,755 54,903 20,443,411 19,248,526 1,194,885 2,534,983 2,386,817 148,166
Women 531,325 508,567 40,212 11,780,830 11,310,504 470,326 1,460,823 1,402,502 58,320
Churchill 8,750 d d 226,665 d d 28,106 d d
Men 5,037 d d 163,404 d d 20,262 d d
Women 3,713 d d 63,261 d d 7,844 d d
Clark 813,039 777,906 59,943 22,471,473 21,414,427 1,057,046 2,786,463 2,655,389 131,074
Men 447,476 426,666 34,422 14,082,843 13,324,740 758,104 1,746,273 1,652,268 94,005
Women 365,563 351,239 25,521 8,388,630 8,089,687 298,943 1,040,190 1,003,121 37,069
Douglas 17,452 15,003 3,217 453,112 385,288 67,824 56,186 47,776 8,410
Men 10,436 8,838 2,037 315,553 264,969 50,584 39,129 32,856 6,272
Women 7,016 6,166 1,180 137,559 120,319 17,240 17,057 14,920 2,138
Elko 20,563 d d 546,444 d d 67,759 d d
Men 10,796 d d 378,268 d d 46,905 d d
Women 9,767 d d 168,176 d d 20,854 d d
Esmeralda d d d d d d d d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Eureka 1,651 d d 64,325 d d 7,976 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Humboldt 7,432 d d 219,080 d d 27,166 d d
Men 4,338 d d 167,985 d d 20,830 d d
Women 3,094 d d 51,095 d d 6,336 d d
Lander 3,199 d d 98,406 d d 12,202 d d
Men 1,961 d d 82,760 d d 10,262 d d
Women 1,238 d d 15,646 d d 1,940 d d
Lincoln 1,441 d d 38,186 d d 4,735 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Lyon 20,971 20,141 2,037 515,922 489,769 26,153 63,974 60,731 3,243
Men 10,064 d d 313,688 d d 38,897 d d
Women 10,907 d d 202,234 d d 25,077 d d
Mineral 2,167 d d 47,790 d d 5,926 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Nye 13,490 12,640 1,180 333,111 311,319 21,792 41,306 38,604 2,702
Men 7,624 d d 241,117 d d 29,899 d d
Women 5,866 d d 91,994 d d 11,407 d d
Pershing 1,644 d d 48,369 d d 5,998 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Storey d d d d d d d d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Washoe 210,187 200,693 16,299 5,593,130 5,285,145 307,985 693,548 655,358 38,190
Men 116,905 111,188 8,900 3,522,757 3,310,917 211,840 436,822 410,554 26,268
Women 93,282 89,505 7,399 2,070,373 1,974,228 96,145 256,726 244,804 11,922
White Pine 3,083 d d 42,868 d d 5,316 d d
Men 1,439 d d 24,285 d d 3,011 d d
Women 1,644 d d 18,583 d d 2,304 d d
Independent city
Carson City 33,476 31,240 2,895 805,996 750,666 55,330 99,944 93,083 6,861
Men 17,928 16,545 1,823 496,948 453,511 43,437 61,622 56,235 5,386
Women 15,548 14,695 1,072 309,048 297,155 11,893 38,322 36,847 1,475
Unknown 24,801 22,197 5,898 690,405 611,660 78,744 85,610 75,846 9,764
Men 14,307 12,640 3,753 466,185 410,214 55,971 57,807 50,866 6,940
Women 10,494 9,557 2,145 224,219 201,447 22,773 27,803 24,979 2,824
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
OASDI = Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.
a. Based on Social Security annual maximum taxable earnings of $87,900 in 2004.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions. Data are not adjusted for tax refunds to persons who made excess contributions because they worked for two or more employers.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
e. Includes persons employed in the 50 states, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; U.S. citizens employed abroad by U.S. employers; persons employed on U.S. oceanborne vessels; and workers with unknown residence.
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Table 6.
Number of persons with Medicare Part A (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2004
County or city and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
HI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Nevada 1,248,470 1,194,061 99,471 40,438,309 38,007,513 2,430,796 1,172,711 1,102,218 70,493
Men 680,923 647,979 58,123 26,065,420 24,184,542 1,880,878 755,897 701,352 54,545
Women 567,548 546,083 41,349 14,372,889 13,822,971 549,918 416,814 400,866 15,948
Churchill 9,372 d d 283,760 d d 8,229 d d
Men 5,555 d d 209,575 d d 6,078 d d
Women 3,816 d d 74,185 d d 2,151 d d
Clark 852,941 818,970 62,824 28,060,457 26,489,394 1,571,064 813,753 768,192 45,561
Men 464,107 443,776 36,541 17,920,363 16,693,596 1,226,767 519,691 484,114 35,576
Women 388,834 375,194 26,284 10,140,094 9,795,798 344,297 294,063 284,078 9,985
Douglas 19,615 17,274 3,205 589,972 519,760 70,212 17,109 15,073 2,036
Men 11,571 9,974 2,030 402,259 348,854 53,405 11,666 10,117 1,549
Women 8,043 7,300 1,175 187,712 170,906 16,806 5,444 4,956 487
Elko 21,805 d d 617,344 d d 17,903 d d
Men 11,519 d d 424,170 d d 12,301 d d
Women 10,286 d d 193,173 d d 5,602 d d
Esmeralda d d d d d d d d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Eureka 1,652 d d 84,336 d d 2,446 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Humboldt 7,948 d d 246,297 d d 7,143 d d
Men 4,647 d d 186,843 d d 5,418 d d
Women 3,301 d d 59,453 d d 1,724 d d
Lander 3,200 d d 97,583 d d 2,830 d d
Men 1,962 d d 82,060 d d 2,380 d d
Women 1,238 d d 15,523 d d 450 d d
Lincoln 1,751 d d 57,700 d d 1,673 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Lyon 22,844 22,004 2,137 628,951 600,561 28,390 18,240 17,416 823
Men 11,106 d d 385,401 d d 11,177 d d
Women 11,738 d d 243,549 d d 7,063 d d
Mineral 2,368 d d 62,892 d d 1,824 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Nye 14,321 13,470 1,175 372,757 352,086 20,670 10,810 10,211 599
Men 7,833 d d 256,833 d d 7,448 d d
Women 6,487 d d 115,924 d d 3,362 d d
Pershing 2,159 d d 77,186 d d 2,238 d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Storey d d d d d d d d d
Men d d d d d d d d d
Women d d d d d d d d d
Washoe 220,404 211,092 17,309 7,067,925 6,632,442 435,483 204,970 192,341 12,629
Men 121,297 115,571 9,616 4,620,268 4,293,201 327,066 133,988 124,503 9,485
Women 99,107 95,521 7,693 2,447,658 2,339,241 108,417 70,982 67,838 3,144
White Pine 4,010 d d 84,131 d d 2,440 d d
Men 1,954 d d 50,061 d d 1,452 d d
Women 2,056 d d 34,069 d d 988 d d
Independent city
Carson City 37,499 35,370 2,885 1,140,367 1,071,452 68,916 33,071 31,072 1,999
Men 19,475 18,199 1,816 631,150 573,515 57,635 18,303 16,632 1,671
Women 18,023 17,171 1,068 509,218 497,937 11,281 14,767 14,440 327
Unknown 24,828 22,415 6,304 921,591 751,262 170,329 26,726 21,787 4,940
Men 14,330 12,647 4,060 659,945 536,603 123,342 19,138 15,561 3,577
Women 10,499 9,768 2,244 261,645 214,659 46,986 7,588 6,225 1,363
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
HI = Hospital Insurance.
a. There is no annual maximum taxable amount for Medicare earnings.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
e. Includes persons employed in the 50 states, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; U.S. citizens employed abroad by U.S. employers; persons employed on U.S. oceanborne vessels; and workers with unknown residence.
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