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USAID Administrator Leads U.S. Delegation at Kosovo Donors Conference

On July 11, 2008, Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator, Henrietta Fore led the U.S. delegation at the international donors conference for Kosovo. The conference, held in Brussels, was hosted by the Commission of the European Union and chaired by the European Commission Balkans Director Pierre Mirel. Representatives from 37 countries and 16 organizations met and heard the Government of Kosovo’s plan and its anticipated funding gap.

Kosovo Minister of Finance and Economy Ahmet Shala provided able leadership for the Kosovo delegation, playing a prominent role in the plenary session. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, in his opening remarks, called upon donors to support Kosovo, a country with “new hope, new vision and new opportunity

“The U.S. led the way among bilateral donors, offering $400 million in support to Kosovo, in programs and for debt relief,” said USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Michael Farbman. “The Kosovo Government presented a well thought-out Medium Term Expenditure Framework, which demonstrated the priority areas and amounts where support was needed. Expectations were exceeded, as pledges for €1.2 billion over two years were received.”

The United States is the largest bilateral donor to Kosovo. Since 1998, the U.S. has contributed $1.1 billion and has been a leading member of the Group of Principals organizing the donors conference. The U.S. has worked with Kosovo to help the country develop strong institutions and the foundations of a viable economy. U.S. assistance will continue to support Kosovo independence and implementation of the provisions of the UN supported Ahtisaari Plan. U.S. policy remains focused on building capacity within Kosovo’s nascent institutions and enhancing its ability to sustain development into the coming decade.

These newly-pledged U.S. funds will support Kosovo's development plan as laid out in its Medium Term Expenditure Framework by, among many other things, helping relieve debt Kosovo may inherit, building the capacity of the judicial system, enhancing the business climate, improving the education system, and increasing access to potable water.

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Thu, 31 Jul 2008 12:53:36 -0500