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Research Wildlife Biologist Keith Miles Wins Unsung Hero Award

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Keith Miles and Doug Buffington
Above: Research wildlife biologist Keith Miles (left) receives a Department of the Interior Unsung Hero Award from Western Regional Director Doug Buffington.

A Department of the Interior Unsung Hero Award has been given to research wildlife biologist Keith Miles, whose work includes studies of community ecology and contaminants in nearshore and estuarine environments (for example, see "Public Lecture on Balancing Wildlife Needs and Wetland Restoration in San Francisco Bay" in Sound Waves, Sept. 2005). The award was presented at the Western Region Awards Ceremony on October 12, 2005, in Menlo Park, CA, where Western Regional Deputy Director Brian Cole noted:

"Keith Miles is a premier scientist at the Western Ecological Research Center, but he also believes it is his responsibility to engage young scientists to help guide them in their careers. Since 1990, Keith has served as a mentor to minority and women students through the Minorities in the Aquatic Sciences program, run by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and Hampton University, with funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He is the only mentor from the Department of the Interior in this program. Two of the 50 students he mentored are now mentors in the same program. Keith also mentors minority and women students through the Wildlife Society, chairing sessions highlighting wildlife research by minority and women scientists and coauthoring a paper on increasing diversity in wildlife professions. He has advised 17 women graduate students at the University of California, Davis. Keith has profoundly changed many people's lives, although one has to discover this in ways other than talking to him because he has never sought the spotlight or recognition."

Related Sound Waves Stories
Public Lecture on Balancing Wildlife Needs and Wetland Restoration in San Francisco Bay
September 2005

Related Web Sites
Western Ecological Research Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)