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Global Health News

Photo of a woman holding a young infant, who has an orange in its hands.  Photo of a mother, father and baby in Uganda. Photo of Mkasi’s baby Fatma, just 25 days old, wakes up in Zanzibar each morning under a Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated net.  Photo of a school feeding program in Malawi, children receive porridge fortified with iron and other micronutrients. Photo of a mother feeding spoonful of food to a baby. Source: L. Goodsmith.
May 2008

What's New

USAID and Peruvian Government Partner to Improve Health Care Inequities

USAID Provides Earthquake Relief to China - 05/19/08

USAID Responds to the Global Food Crisis

Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Health Information Products and Services - November 2007

USAID Launches Region's First Avian Influenza Regional Distribution Center in Thailand - 03/18/08

The 2008 Humanitarian of the Year Has Advanced Health Care for Yemen’s Women Through USAID-Funded Project

Photo of Suad Kassim Saleh at the midwifery project in Yemen.
Source: Milka Dinev/ Pathfinder International

On May 8, Ms. Suad Kassim Saleh, who works for Pathfinder International in Yemen, a project supported by USAID, was named Humanitarian of the Year by InterAction, an organization that represents more than 150 development and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations worldwide. Ms. Saleh was honored for her 40 years of leadership and commitment to saving women’s lives in the remote regions of Yemen by advocating for and providing critical maternal health care and family planning services.

Photo of the United States Air Force securing a pallet of USAID relief supplies to be flown out to Burma from U-Tapao Air Force Base.  
The United States Air Force secures a pallet of USAID relief supplies to be flown out to Burma from U-Tapao Air Force Base.
Source: LCpl Robert A. Harling/U.S. Marine Corps
USAID Responds to Cyclone Nargis

USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore recently announced an additional $13 million in humanitarian assistance to Burma. To date, the U.S. Department of Defense, in conjunction with the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team, has completed 40 airlifts of emergency relief goods, including water, food, and medical supplies from Utapao, Thailand, to Rangoon.

Health has become a major concern in the affected regions with the onset of the rainy season. The U.N. Health Cluster reports that reducing the risk of communicable disease outbreaks is a priority and is encouraging community participation to strengthen disease surveillance activities.

  Photo of children in Namibia receiving a daily cup of nutritious yogurt, coupled with HIV/AIDS prevention education
A public-private partnership launched by USAID is allowing these children in Namibia to receive a daily cup of nutritious yogurt, coupled with HIV/AIDS prevention education. Source: Mary Jordan/USAID
HIV/AIDS Public-Private Partnerships

As part of its endeavor to fulfill the need for quality HIV/AIDS services, USAID – in cooperation with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief – designs and enters into public-private partnerships in developing countries. Learn more about how these partnerships not only help people who are affected by HIV/AIDS, but also how they create benefits for the partners themselves.

Learn More About Global Health Through USAID’s “Living History” Essays

USAID's Bureau for Global Health wrote several essays for a "Living History" project describing the Agency's global health programs. As a cornerstone of U.S. foreign assistance, these programs support immunizations and disease prevention and control through nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, breastfeeding, birth spacing, and other health interventions. Past USAID investments have led to products that now reach millions, saving lives throughout the developing world. Read the first two essays in the series:

Photo of a mother and child in Indonesia
Source: USAID/Indonesia
New Video: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in Indonesia

Indonesia’s National Clinical Training Network has produced a clinical training video for midwives on the protocols for early initiation of breastfeeding. The video was developed with support from the USAID Health Services Program, managed by JSI Research and Training Institute with technical partner the Manoff Group.

Women Making a Difference in Global Health (click here to learn more...)

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Fri, 03 Oct 2008 16:51:15 -0500