Greetings and welcome to our front door here at Anchor Industries. 

During these many decades, we've demonstrated our attention to detail and commitment to innovation.  We're dependable, fast, and we meet our delivery commitments.  Although over a century old, we're very new in our thinking.

We appreciate your visit.  In fact, if you're ever in Southern Indiana, we hope you'll stop by and visit us at one of our plants.   I or one of our sales representatives, will be delighted to give you a tour of our facilities and share our Midwestern hospitality with you.

Warm regards,

Pete Mogavero
President, Anchor Industries, Inc. 

Protecting lfe memories for more than 100 years

Our company's passion and leadership drive our employees and our products.  We do manufacture some of the best quality products around, but we produce more than that.  We create protection for life's memories. Remember your best friend's outdoor wedding...the bride's dress, the groom's smile, the light drizzle that gently fell during sunset.  Chances are we were there!  Those flowing peaks and valleys of continuous soft white fabric helped ensure that the event was beautiful and memorable. 

Our focus is on the people who ultimately use our products.  At Anchor, welding operators aren't seaming together two pieces of vinyl; they're piecing together the elements that will help create someone's lifetime memory.  Order entry clerks aren't populating the system with item numbers and descriptions; they're laying the foundation for protecting someone's family from accidentally entering a closed swimming pool while ensuring it remains in good condition for those classic memorable summer pool parties.  It is YOU that drives us to be the best.

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