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Dispelling Discrimination Month by Month

Creating a tapestry collageIn collaboration with the Haitian organization Promoteurs Objectif Zero SIDA (POZ) and Haitian artists affiliated with the AfricAmerica foundation, USAID's Health Communication Project (HCP)/Haiti produced a series of collages depicting the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Seventy-three such individuals participated in stigma- and discrimination-reduction workshops held in several Haitian cities, including Jérémie, Jacmel, Cap Haitien, St. Marc and Montrouis. This activity was financed by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief which is implemented by USAID in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

With assistance from the AIDS Alliance, AfricAmerica and POZ, participants created inspiring works of art describing their experiences with HIV/AIDS and their hopes for the future. Many of the participants gave voice to their struggle during the workshops:

Creating a tapestry collage "I will hold my head up and speak out against all kind of discrimination." - Malia

"The more you remain silent, the more you suffer." - Marc Arthur

"I want to live long enough to see my children growing." - Marie Stephani

"I want to be healthy so I can live with my husband and children." - Kaline

"Laws that will protect our rights are our only hope." - Glainy

"I love my family, I love my husband. I am protecting them. I use condom." - Guerdi

Visage CalendarAmong the 73 pieces produced in the workshops, 13 were chosen for display in the Visages calendar, which serves as an educational tool to decrease stigma and discrimination against people infected with the virus. Five thousand dollars generated from calendar sales was used to fortify POZ's care and support program. The privately-owned Haitian printing company Editions Areytos contributed funds to offset the cost of producing the calendars, and Haitian musical group Kompa Kreyol made a financial contribution to the calendar's launch event held at the Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince.

Through activities like the calendar project and the stigma-elimination workshops, HCP and its partners provide people living with HIV/AIDS opportunities to learn new skills in a safe and dynamic environment. By working together on projects like the collages, workshop participants develop new bonds of friendship and trust. This trust, in turn, promotes open discussions about the impact HIV/AIDS has had on their daily lives as well as those of their families.

To learn more about USAID/Haiti, visit

Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:14:04 -0500