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Photo collage of semiconductor production processes and products and the Semiconductor Partnership logo

The figure below shows the U.S. semiconductor industry partners’ historical and expected future PFC emissions in green and yellow bars respectively compared to its “business as usual” (BAU) emissions in blue. The BAU scenario reflects the partners’ direct PFC emissions assuming they take no action to reduce emissions. The semiconductor industry’s impressive growth pattern is historically cyclical. While production slowed and declined in 2001 and 2002, rising demand for mobile consumer products (e.g., iPods, cell phones) and computers in 2005 is driving the recovery and continued growth. Analysts predict maintained industry growth approaching 11 percent annually through 20071.

The difference between the actual/projected emissions and the BAU emissions represents the partnership’s environmental benefits, expressed in million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE). The partnership produced an interim progress report in December 2005 (PDF) (80 pp, 605K, About PDF) describing the current state of PFC emission control technologies and the industry’s progress towards implementing its PFC reduction strategies.

Partner BAU vs. Actual/Projected Emissions

A bar chart titled Partner BAU vs. Actual/Projected Emissions.
Year/Partnership BAU/Actual or Projected (2007 and after) Emissions (in MMTCO2eq). For further information regarding data within this chart, please visit http://www.epa.gov/highgwp/contact.html
MMTCO2eq = Million Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
* BAU scenario as of 12/2007

The U.S. EPA has recognized several semiconductor industry producers and suppliers for their exceptional environmental leadership and technical innovations with its prestigious Climate Protection Award. If you or your organization wishes to apply for the award, please visit the Climate Protection Awards Program.

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