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Budget and Finance

ADS Series 600 Interim Updates

Part I - Active Interim Updates


     08-15 FY 2009 Start-of-Year Operating Expense Budget

     08-14 Revision of ADS 630, Payables Management

     08-13 Revision of ADS 625 to Address Claims Collection and Debt Determination Responsibilities

     08-12 ADS 630, Payables Management

     08-11 Processing Time-Off Awards in webTA

     08-10 Revision of ADS 633, Financial Management Aspects of TDY Travel

     08-09 New Consolidated Audit and Compliance Tracking System (CACS) Is Now Available

     08-08 New Consolidated Audit and Compliance Tracking System Deployment

     08-07 ADS 635, Working Capital Funds

     08-06 Issuance of Revised ADS 634, Administrative Control of Funds

     08-05 Issuance of Revised ADS 634, Administrative Control of Funds

     08-04 Issuance of an Revised Mandatory Reference Document, for ADS 621, on Reobligation Policy

     08-03 Implementation of the WebTA Electronic Time Keeping System

     08-02 REISSUANCE -- Clarification of OMB memo directing Agencies to issue new or revised policy on the use of business class air travel

     08-01 Clarification of OMB memo directing Agencies to issue new or revised policy on the use of business class air travel



     07-18 Change in Pay Date, from December 31st, 2007 to January 2nd, 2008 (Formerly 07-17)

     07-17 Fiscal Year 2008 Operating Expense (OE) Appropriation

     07-16 Introduction of New Mandatory Phoenix Accruals Web-Based Training for Obligation Managers, including Cognizant Technical Officers (CTOs)

     07-14 Issuance of Revised ADS 621, Obligation Management

     07-13 Standards for Employee Claims Submission - Travel

     07-12 Guidance for Year-End Processing of Phoenix Financial Transactions

     07-11 Guidance - ADS 621 Series - Modified Carryover Process

     07-10 Guidance - ADS 600 Series Funding Guidance Millennium Challenge Account

     07-09 Guidance - ADS 600 Series - Funding Guidance for Salary & Benefits and Support Cost of Direct Hires and Personal Service Contractors

     07-07 ADS Chapter 621 Obligation Management – Phoenix Accounting Procedure for Program-Funded USDH Salary & Benefit

     07-03 General Policy Notice for Replacement Contracts



     06-08 Update: Message on FY 2007 USAID Operational Expenses

     06-02 Intermittent PSC Contracts and Allowance Benefits



     05-13 Fiscal Year 2006 Appropriation

     05-08 ADS 636, Advances To For-Profit Organizations For Contracts, Grants And Cooperative Agreements

     05-07 Cost Recovery for Information Technology Applications and Services

     05-01 2005 Appropriation Codes



     04-10 Appropriate Fiscal Year to Charge for USAID Employees Travel and Transportation of Effects

    04-06 Contractors Functioning as Timekeepers



     02-04 Processing Payroll Procedures for USAID/W Personal Service Contractors


Part II Inactive Interim Updates

Listed below are the Interim Updates that became inactive during 2007 and 2008. If you need to locate prior years’ inactive Interim Updates, please send an e-mail to Revision information is provided when available.


    07-15 Introduction of New Mandatory Phoenix Accruals Web-Based Training for Obligation Managers, including Cognizant Technical Officers (CTOs)
Issued: 09/28/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU was superseded by IU 07-16
(ADS CD 49).
    07-08 Guidance - ADS 600 Series Funding Guidance Millennium Challenge Account
Issued: 08/14/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU was superseded by IU 07-10
(ADS CD 49).
    07-06 ADS - 630 Revision, Successive Certification
Issued: 06/22/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of revised ADS 630
(ADS CD 48).
    07-05 ADS-631 Accrued Expenditures
Issued: 06/05/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of revised ADS 631
(ADS CD 48).
    07-04 ADS - 625 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection Paper Copy Check Conversion
Issued: 05/11/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of revised ADS 625
(ADS CD 48).
    07-02 Revised ADS Chapter 610- Use of Entertainment Account, Representation Allowances, and Program and Operating Expense Funds for Entertainment
Issued: 01/29/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of ADS 610
(ADS CD 46).
    07-01 Revision of ADS 630- Payables Management
Issued: 01/25/2007
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of ADS 630
(ADS CD 46).


    06-07 Revised ADS 630 - Payables Management
Issued: 12/22/2006
Revisions: Yes
Inactive: This notice was superseded by IU6- 0701, Revision of ADS 630 - Payables Management which was issued on 1/25/2007.
    06-06 ADS 630 - Payables Management Revision
Issued: 12/08/2006
Revisions: Yes
Inactive: This notice was superseded by IU6-0607, Revised ADS 630 - Payables Management which was issued on 1/22/2007.
    06-05 ADS 630 - Payables Management Revision
Issued: 12/12/2006
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of ADS 630 (ADS CD 46) - It was superseded by IU6-0606, which was issued on 12/08/2006.
    06-04 Issuance of Revised ADS 625, Accounts Receivable and Debt
Issued: 07/28/2006
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the release of ADS 625
(ADS CD 44).
    06-03 USAID Expended Object Class Codes, Effective June 1, 2006
Issued: 05/31/2006
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU was supersed by Interim Update 07-14 on 09/28/2007
(ADS CD 49).


    05-14 ADS 637, U.S. Personal Services Contractors 401 (k) Defined Contributions Pension Plan Certification Documents
Issued: 12/22/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice announced the release of ADS 637, which was placed on
(ADS CD 42).
    05-12 Revision of ADS 621, Obligations, and Associated Internal Mandatory References, Deobligation Guidebook and Reobligation Policy
Issued: 09/27/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: Not applicable. This IU announced the revision of ADS 621, which was placed on
(ADS CD 41).
    05-11 ADS 630, Payables Management (Revision)
Issued: 09/06/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU announced the revision of ADS 630, which was placed on
(ADS CD 41).
    05-10 Revision of ADS 633, Financial Management Aspects of Temporary Duty Travel
Issued: 07/27/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice announced the released of ADS 633, which was placed on
(ADS CD 40).
    05-09 Revision of ADS 603, Forward Funding, Non-Program Funds
Issued: 06/23/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice announced the released of ADS 603, which was placed on
(ADS CD 40).
    05-06 ADS 634, Administrative Control of Funds - Revision
Issued: 04/15/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice announced the released of ADS 634, which was placed on
(ADS CD 39).
    05-05 Improving the Determination Process for Deobligating Unliquidated Balances in Prior Year Travel Authorizations (TAs)
Issued: 04/05/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by a mandatory reference for ADS 621 (621mad)
(ADS CD 41).

    05-04 Uniform Accruals Materiality Threshold
Issued: 03/24/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by revised ADS Chapter 631, Accrued Expenditures, which was issued on 06/05/2007.

    05-03 Revision to ADS 625
Issued: 02/08/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice announced the released of ADS 625, which was placed on
(ADS CD 38).

    05-02 Delegation of Authority, Duty, or Responsibility to USPSCs and Non-U.S. Citizen Employees, to be included in ADS 103, Delegations of Authority, and ADS 621, Obligations
Issued: 01/18/2005
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by the release of ADS 621 (ADS CD 41).


    04-22 Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriation (CR)
Issued: 12/09/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by IU 05-13, Fiscal Year 2006 Appropriation, which was issued on 10/06/2005.

    04-20 Accruals Materiality Threshold for USAID/W and Phoenix Missions, to be included in ADS 631, Accrued Expenditures
Issued: 12/14/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by Series 600 IU 05-04(ADS CD 39)

    04-18 ADS 630, Payables Management: Required Interest Payments for Late Payment of Travel Claims
Issued: 11/17/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by Series 600 IU 05-11 (ADS CD 41).

    04-16 Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriation
Issued: 10/04/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: Not applicable: This notice was superseded by IU 04-21 (CD 38).

    04-13 Updating Cognizant Technical Officer (CTO) and Managing Organization Information in Phoenix
Issued: 09/24/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by a mandatory reference for ADS 621 (621mae), which was placed on CD 41.

    04-11 Forward Funding Guidelines for Operating Expense Funds
Issued: 08/19/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This notice was superseded by ADS 603 (ADS CD 40).

    04-07 Invoicing Mission-Funded Airfare through SATO in Washington
Issued: 06/09/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU was superseded by Series 600 IU 05-11 (ADS CD 41).

    04-05 Travel Card Delinquency Change (revised)
Issued: 06/02/2004
Revisions: None
Inactive: This IU was superseded by Series 600 IU 05-10 (ADS CD 40).


    03-15 Cancellations - Handbook Chapters 19, Financial Management, and 26, Position Classification, Pay, and Allowances, and a Series 600 Interim Update
Issued: 09/15/2003
Revisions: None
Inactive: Not applicable: This Notice expired 02/02/2005 (ADS CD 38).


    24 New Object Class Codes
Issued: 10/11/2000
Revisions: None
Inactive: This Notice was superseded by Series 600 IU ?? (ADS CD ??)

    16 New Object Class Codes
Issued: 09/20/2000
Revisions: None
Inactive: This Notice was superseded by Series 600 IU ????(ADS CD ??)

    11 Clarification of the USAID Implementation of Use of the Government Travel Cards for All Official Travel
Issued: 05/25/2000
Revisions: None
Inactive: This Notice was superseded by Series 600 IU 05-10 (ADS CD 40)

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Tue, 21 Oct 2008 12:38:05 -0500