USAID: From the American People | ASIA

The United States Provides Grants to Fight HIV/AIDS in Vietnam

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

HANOI, October 7, 2008 -- The United States Embassy has announced three new grants totaling more that $28.5 million for projects aimed at combating the spread of HIV/AIDS in Vietnam. These contracts will be implemented through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). 

The first was awarded to Population Services International for "Social Marketing Prevention and Supportive Services in Vietnam." This project will provide more than $15 million in funds over five years, and aims to reduce HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations by promoting treatments and services, increasing safer behavior practices, and reducing the initiation of drug use.

The second project entitled "Health Policy Initiative Vietnam" of almost $10 million was awarded to Abt Associates, Inc for a program to support the Government of Vietnam, civil society, and networks to undertake critical policy and advocacy actions in their efforts to improve HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment in Vietnam

The third $3 million grant was awarded to Chemonics, Inc. and will provide technical services for workplace-based prevention, as well as employment and support services for high risk individuals. Through this project, PEPFAR will work to provide employment opportunities and services for people living with HIV/AIDS and others considered at risk of infection. 

Through these awards, the United States Mission aims to expand and strengthen HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support services in Vietnam. Since 2004, PEPFAR has provided more than US $232 million to support the provision of comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services in Vietnam.


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This page last updated on October 15, 2008