USAID Lebanon: From the American People



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lebanon, Beirut

U.S. Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Michele J. Sison visited U.S. Embassy-sponsored development and educational projects in the Nabatiyeh area in southern Lebanon on June 18. 

The Chargé met with members of the Habbouch Municipal Council to discuss the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) municipal development project.  This $19 million U.S. Government project works with more than 800 Lebanese municipalities to provide technical assistance to create a comprehensive database of taxpayer information and to standardize and streamline financial and administrative procedures.  More than 12,000 Lebanese citizens are benefiting from this program, which is implemented by the State University of New York-Albany’s Center for Legislative Development and the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities. 

Chargé Sison commented on the importance of the municipal development project: “This project allows citizens to interact with their government.  Citizens taking responsibility for their own government is important for everyone.”

In Nabatiyeh, the Chargé also visited the Women’s Progress Association.  USAID provided $50,000 to the association for medical supportive equipment such as wheelchairs, kitchen equipment, furniture and audio-visual materials.  She also visited the 460-student Nabatiyeh School for Girls in Kfar Roumman, the only secondary school for girls in Nabatiyeh, which received USAID assistance for reconstruction, educational materials and outdoor sports equipment. 

In addition, the Chargé was able to see the operations of the American Corner in Nabatiyeh, located in the Kamal Yousef Jaber Cultural and Social Center.  The U.S. Embassy has provided equipment and library materials for all ages at this American Corner.  The Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), part of USAID, recently granted $84,175 to the Kamal Yousef Jaber Center for a nationwide program to engage youth in community development and to enhance their awareness of the daily issues Lebanese youth face.  The center has trained 180 youth who conducted community development projects throughout the country.  OTI works throughout the world to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key community actors who are promoting co-existence, development and active citizen engagement.

USAID has worked in Lebanon since 1951, funding development projects to benefit Lebanese citizens.  With funds from the American people, USAID creates jobs, invests in youth and protects the environment in Lebanon.  USAID’s work reflects the strong friendship between the Lebanese and American people.