United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Patent Title: Rapid, Sensitive Method to Identify and Detect Karnal Bunt in Wheat
See also: US Patent Office Full Record

North Atlantic Area
  Frederick, Maryland

Patent Number: 6316195
Docket Number: 10198
Serial Number: 9471016
Date Patented: 11/13/2001

Technology Description:

The invention is a detection assay using novel PCR primers that can be used in a rapid and sensitive method to detect and specifically identify Tilletia indica Mitra, the causal organism of wheat Karnal bunt. Recently, it was found that spores from bunted ryegrass seeds closely resemble those of wheat seed. The newly discovered ryegrass pathogen, T. walkeri, could not be differentiated from T. indica, using previously developed PCR assays because of the high degree of DNA identity between T. indica and T. walkeri. Five novel PCR primer sets were designed to specifically identify T. indica. Three additional novel primer sets are specific for T. walkeri. Assays using these primers are rapid and specific. Since the United States is the world’s leading wheat exporter, it is important to control Karnal bunt to minimize losses in yield and quality, and to contain the disease for trade or regulatory purposes.


Please refer to USPN 6,316,195 (Docket #0101.98), "Method for Differentiating Between the Causal Agents of Karnal Bunt Wheat Fungus and Ryegrass Smut Using PCR," which issued on November 13, 2001.

Foreign rights are not available.


Reid D. Frederick
Foreign Disease - Weed Science
Ft. Detrick, Maryland 21702
(301) 619-7386 / Fax: (301) 619-2880

Paul W. Tooley/Yvette Berthier-Schaad/
Gary L. Peterson/Morris R. Bonde/
Norman W. Schaad
(Same as first inventor)
(301) 619-7344 / Fax: (301)619-2880

David A. Knorr
Perkin Elmer/Applied Biosystems
Foster City, California 94404
(650) 638-5630/Fax: (650) 572-2743


Last Modified: 05/13/2009