P.L. 100-204, Approved December 22, 1987 (101 Stat. 1331)

Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989

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SEC. 724. [22 U.S.C. 287 note] POWERS OF THE COMMISSION.

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(d) Information From Federal Agencies.—The Commission may secure directly from any Federal agency information necessary to enable it to carry out this part. Upon request of the Chairman of the Commission, the head of any such Federal agency shall furnish such information to the Commission, to the extent authorized by law; except that the head of any Federal agency to which a request for information is provided pursuant to this subsection may deny access to such information, or make access subject to such terms and conditions as the head of that agency may prescribe, on the basis that the information in question is classified and the Commission does not have adequate procedure to safeguard the information in question, or that the Commission does not have a need to know the classified information. In addition, a Federal agency may not provide the Commission with information that could disclose intelligence sources or methods without first securing the approval of the Director of Central Intelligence. The head of any such Federal agency may provide information on a reimbursable basis.

SEC. 725. [22 U.S.C. 287 note] STAFF.

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(b) Detailing of Government Personnel.—Upon request of the Commission, the head of any Federal agency may detail, on a reimbursable basis, any of the personnel of that agency to the Commission to assist it in carrying out this part.

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[Internal References.—SSAct Titles II, IV, XI, XVI (SSI), XVIII, and XIX headings have footnotes referring to P.L. 100-204.]