P.L. 98-64, Approved August 2, 1983 (97 Stat. 365)

[Per Capita Payments to Indians]

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Sec. 2.[25 U.S.C. 117b] (a) Funds distributed under this Act shall not be liable for the payment of previously contracted obligations except as may be provided by the governing body of the tribe and distributions of such funds shall be subject to the provisions of section 7 of the Act of October 19, 1973 (87 Stat. 466)[1], as amended.

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[Internal References.—SSAct §§2(a), 1002(a), 1402(a), 1602(a)(State) 1612(b) and 1613(a) have footnotes referring to Appendix K (this Volume) which provides a list of Federal law provisions, including P.L. 98-64, §2(a), relating to income and resources.]

[1] See P.L. 93-134, §7, (this Volume).