P.L. 92-336, Approved July 1, 1972 (86 Stat. 406)

[Public Debt Limit—Extension]

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Sec. 201.

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(h) * * *

(2) [42 U.S.C. 403 note] In any case in which the provisions of section 1002(b)(2) of the Social Security Amendments of 1969 were applicable with respect to benefits for any month in 1970, the total of monthly benefits as determined under section 203(a) of the Social Security Act shall, for months after 1970, be increased to the amount that would be required in order to assure that the total of such monthly benefits (after the application of section 202(q) of such Act) will not be less than the total of monthly benefits that was applicable (after the application of such sections 203(a) and 202(q)) for the first month for which the provisions of such section 1002(b)(2) applied.

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[Internal Reference.—SSAct §1902(a) (end) cites Public Law 92-336.]