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Figure 11. Wake Middle-School Parent Survey

  Parent Survey - Middle School  
Please use a pencil to darken the bubble beside your child's school name.
Centennial Campus
Davis Drive
Dillard Drive

Durant Road
East Cary
East Garner
East Millbrook
East Wake

Leesville Road
Lufkin Road
Mt. Vernon
North Garner
Wake Forest-Rolesville
West Cary
West Lake
West Millbrook
Please use a pencil to darken the bubble indicating whether you strongly agree (SA) or agree (A) or Disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) with the following statements. Leave responses blank if you do not know how to respond or have no opinion
1. My child's school is a safe place to learn. SA A D SD
2. My child's school provides a high quality education program.
3. My child is given challenging work in all classes.
4. If I call the school, I receive courteous attention.
5. Students in my child's school are well behaved overall.
6. The rules of this school are fair.
7. Teachers in this school really seem to care about the students.
8. This school promotes understanding among students from various backgrounds.
9. Discipline of my child has been handled fairly at this school.
10. My child does some homework every school night.
11. When i have concerns about my child, I can count on the school for support.
12. I receive enough communication from the school to keep me informed of its activities.
13. I would like to communicate with my child's teachers via e-mail.
14. The buildings and grounds of my child's school are clean and safe.
15. Does your child have home access to the Internet? yes no
16. Does your child use a home computer for schoolwork? yes no
17. Are you aware of the school district's goal that 95% of students will be at or above grade level by 2003? yes no
18. Are you aware of the WAVE Save A Friend telephone hotline? yes no
19. Rate the school in helping your child acquire skills or knowledge about:
social studies
visual and/or performing arts
computers and technology
health and physical education
character education
dangers of drug abuse
20. How often during the past year did you do the following things:
Not at all
Made sure reading material was available for your child
Discussed homework or read with your child
Placed limits on your child's use of TV
Placed limits on non-instructional computer usage
21. Students are often given grades of A, B, C, D, Fail to denote the quality of their work.
What grade would you give your child's school if it were graded in the same manner?
A B C D Fail

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