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USGS Scientist Interviewed About Invasive Sea Squirt on Georges Bank

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The status of an invasive sea squirt discovered in 2003 by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and their collaborators caught the attention of the press in New England this fall. The original discovery came during a 2003 cruise to study benthic habitats on Georges Bank; a followup cruise in November 2004 revealed that the invader is flourishing, with mats made of thousands of individual sea squirts infesting a 40-mi2 area of seabed. A press release coauthored by Ellen Mecray (USGS) and Teri Frady (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service) reported the findings of the second cruise (see article "Invasive Sea Squirt Alive and Well on Georges Bank," this issue) and was picked up by several major papers over the Thanksgiving week. Page Valentine, the chief of the project "USGS National Geologic Studies of Benthic Habitats, Northeastern United States," was interviewed by the Boston Globe and the Cape Cod Times, which featured him in an article on the front page of the Cape Cod Times on Saturday, November 20.

Related Sound Waves Stories
Invasive Sea Squirt Alive and Well on Georges Bank
Dec. 2004 / Jan. 2005

Related Web Sites
USGS National Geologic Studies of Benthic Habitats, Northeastern United States
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Invasive Sea Squirt Alive and Well on Georges Bank - USGS Press Release
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Squirt Invasion
Cape Cod Times, registration & fee required

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)