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The Office of Program Development and Research, under the leadership of the Associate Commissioner, is comprised of five separate offices. Choose the office name on the organization chart or from the list on the right for a description of each office and its respective functions.

OPDR Organization Chart Office of the Associate Commissioner Office of Program DevelopmentOffice of Data Analysis Office of Program Research
  Office of the Associate Commissioner
Office of Data Analysis
Office of Program Development
Office of Program Research

The Office of the Associate Commissioner:

  1. The Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Disability and Income Security Programs for carrying out the mission of the office and providing general supervision to its major components.

  2. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.

  3. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Program Development and Research provides the Associate Commissioner and the Deputy Associate Commissioner with advisory services and staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and coordinates the administrative and program activities of OPDR components.

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The Office of Data Analysis:

  1. Identifies trends in disability programs and emerging issues and policy implications.

  2. Compiles and analyzes data on various aspects the disability and SSI programs, including such areas as SSI children, demonstration projects, denied applicants and work incentives.

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The Office of Program Development:

  1. Develops and implements disability and SSI-related demonstration projects including projects that would encourage work and self-sufficiency.

  2. Administers grants, interagency agreements, contracts and unsolicited proposals for Office of Disability & Income Support Programs.

  3. Conducts outreach for demonstration projects and other initiatives relevant to program development.

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The Office of Program Research:

  1. Identifies and develops potential research projects that will support future policy initiatives.

  2. Reviews current research and determines SSI and disability policy implications.

  3. Conducts studies and analyses on the national disabled population, applicants for benefits, disability beneficiaries, work incentives and disability assessment tools.

  4. Conducts analyses of the interrelationships between SSA’s disability programs, the national economy and other income maintenance programs, as well as various socioeconomic factors.

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Oct 15, 2008
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