Supporting Document B
Examples of Location Source Hyperlink (Electronic) or Intermediate (Paper) Statement 

Census Bureau Standard
Describing the Sources and Accuracy of Tabulations and Estimates
Version 1.5
Issued: 09 Mar 06

Authored by:
Jay Keller
Special Assistant to the Associate Director
for Methodology and Standards


Examples of Location Source Hyperlink (Electronic) or Intermediate Page (Paper) Statement

Hyperlink statements for confidentiality, sampling error, nonsampling error, and model error (for model-based estimates) for the examples below are provided in Attachment C.

1. Census 2000 Data

For 100 percent Census 2000 data

The data in [this table/these tables] are from Census 2000. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau applies statistical procedures that introduce some uncertainty into data for geographic areas with small population groups. The results in [this table/these tables] contain nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from American FactFinder tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also definitions of subject characteristics and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation for the Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF1), which is the source of data in this table, see

For Census 2000 sample data

The data in [this table/these tables] are from Census 2000. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau applies statistical procedures that introduce some uncertainty into data for geographic areas with small population groups. The results in [this table/these tables] contain sampling and nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from American FactFinder tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also definitions of subject characteristics and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation for the Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF3), which is the source of data in this table, see (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0)

2. American Community Survey Data

The data in [this table/these tables] are based on the American Community Survey conducted in 2000. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau applies statistical procedures that introduce some uncertainty into data for geographic areas with small population groups. The data in [this table/these tables] contain sampling error and nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from American FactFinder tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also definitions of subject characteristics and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation, see

3. Demographic Survey Data (Example - Survey of Income and Program Participation)

The data in [this table/these tables] are based on the Survey of Income and Program Participation. The data in [this table/these tables] contain sampling error and nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from Census Bureau tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also definitions of subject characteristics and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation, see

4. Economic Census Data

The data in [this table/these tables] are based on the 2002 Economic Census. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau suppresses data to protect the identity of any business or individual. The census results in [this table/these tables] contain nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from American FactFinder tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also explanation of terms and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation, see

5. Economic Survey Data (Example - Service Annual Survey)

The data in [this table/these tables] are based on the 1998 Service Annual Survey. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau suppresses data to protect the identity of any business or individual. The data in [this table/these tables] contain sampling error and nonsampling error. Data users who create their own estimates using data from American FactFinder tables should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. See also explanation of terms and geographic definitions. For the full technical documentation for the 1998 Service Annual Survey, see

6. Model-Based Estimates (Example - Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates/ SAIPE)

The data in [this table/these tables] are indirect estimates produced by statistical model-based methods using sample survey, decennial census, and administrative data sources. To maintain confidentiality, the Census Bureau uses procedures to assure that the estimates and related information that are released cannot be used to disclose individual data or violate other confidentiality restrictions applicable to the source data. The estimates contain error stemming from model error, sampling error, and nonsampling errorConfidence intervals are provided to indicate the quality of the estimates. Subject to the validity of the underlying model assumptions, these reflect uncertainty due to the effects of model error and sampling error, but do not account for the effects of nonsampling error. In addition, one should exercise caution when making comparisons between these estimates for different years or different places, or between these model-based estimates and other Census Bureau estimates. The SAIPE website contains technical documentation for each set of estimates produced (see Additional information is available in a final report prepared by the National Academy of Sciences that evaluates the methods used to produce the estimates.

Document Management & Control

Version Issue Date Approval Description
1.0 23 Mar 01 Associate Directors Initial Release
1.1 24 Sep 02 Associate Directors Reissue
1.2 20 Aug 04 Configuration Mgr. Updated Webpage url references.
1.3 14 Jan 05 Configuration Mgr. Reformatted to comply with Census Bureau Identity Standard and Quality Program Document Management Plan
1.4 04 Apr 05 M&S Council Name change for standard
1.5 09 Mar 06 Configuration Mgr Inserted hyperlink for main standard

The most current version of this document is maintained on the Census Bureau Intranet and may
be accessed from the Quality Management Repository.

Category: Standard   
Filename: S15-2_v1.5_Examples_Hyperlinks