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USAID Director and PTA Inaugurate Libraries at Two Girls Secondary Schools

May 23, 2006

USAID Director and PTA Inaugurate Libraries at Two Girls Secondary Schools

Islamabad, May 23, 2006: The Parent Teacher Associations at Federal Government Girls Secondary School Kuri and Federal Government Girls Secondary School Malpur inaugurated school libraries in separate ceremonies today. The schools, both of which are in Bara Kau, are among the 5,000 in Rawalpindi District, Sindh and Balochistan that have received USAID funds to improve their infrastructure and simultaneously increase parental involvement in schools.

USAID Mission Director Jonathan Addleton inaugurated the Kuri library alongside Professor Rafique Tahir, Director of Training at the Federal Directorate of Education. The Malpur was inaugurated by USAID Education Officer Thomas Crehan and Brigadier Maqsood ul-Hasson, director general of the Federal Directorate of Education.

Under $1,500 USAID School Improvement Grants, the Kuri and Malpur PTAs organized management committees, decided that their greatest priority was a one-room school library and raised funds from parents and community members to augment the USAID grants.

Jonathan Addleton made a gift of books to the Kuri library and honored the exemplary commitment of the Kuri Parent Teacher Association. The U.S. Embassy donated an “American Discovery Center” set of books to the Malpur school to provide students with access to materials on American society.

In Kuri, Addleton said, “I understand that the PTA was actively engaged in ensuring that the construction of this room is of the highest quality. You are to be commended for your commitment to your daughters.”

He added, “We are very happy to see the parents and community getting involved in the education of their children. Our experience in the United States is that parental involvement dramatically improves the learning and educational experience of their children.”

“The development of a country is closely tied to the education of girls and women,” Addleton said. “We are particularly committed to increasing the educational opportunities for girls in Pakistan.”

Representatives of USAID partner Research Triangle Institute, teachers, parents and students attended the ceremonies.

USAID primary education programs focus on training teachers in the use of participatory learning methods, school infrastructure upgrades and improved school and education system management. USAID is spending more than $76 million to support education in Pakistan in 2006.

Rebuilding and equipping schools and providing teacher training will also be key components of USAID’s $200 million reconstruction program in the earthquake affected areas over the next four years.

The United States, through USAID, is providing more than $1.5 billion in development assistance to Pakistan over the next five years to improve education, health, governance and economic growth. In addition, the United States has pledged a total of $510 million in earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts to assist the people of Pakistan and to support Pakistani government relief and reconstruction efforts.

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