Research and evaluation are the backbone of successful strategies and programs. With extensive expertise ranging from behavioral research to surveys to rapid needs assessments to program evaluation, AED helps ensure that strategies and programs are firmly grounded in science and are effective tools in the effort to improve lives.


Tools & Publications


  • Sustaining ISA High School Reform among Partner Schools
  • Gates-Funded College Access Study
  • C-Change (Communication for Change)
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Featured Web Sites

Bridge to Employment (BTE) is in an effort to reform education by communicating to at-risk students that learning can be meaningful, engaging, and relevant.
Community Youth Mapping (CYM) teaches people to canvass their communities in search of places to go, things to do, and opportunities for young people, children and families.
EQUIP2 combines technical research and leadership activities with "buy-in" associate awards from USAID missions and bureaus.

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