Search the Data
This database is a comprehensive collection of data relevant to education from multiple sources with information at the sub-national level for many countries. Its purpose is to facilitate the use of data by making it readily available and easy to present. The database is comprised of data from more than 70 sources and the data is of varying quality and varying comparability. The EPDC does not alter the data in any way. Users should exercise their expert judgement when selecting the data.

Search the Graphs
EPDC graphs provide a way to visualize education data for a country or groups of countries. They include sub-national data, maps, trend analysis and projections on education as well as links to health and the economy.

This tool allows the user to customize their own country profiles, choosing multiple countries and combining several charts and graphs to fit their own needs.

Search the Maps
The global education maps provide a visual presentation of education indicators. High-quality maps are available for download. These maps were produced by the EPDC using data from UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Development Indicators, household surveys, and Barro and Lee's International Data on Educational Attainment.

Profile Explorer
The Profile Explorer houses the EPDC’s collection of graphical reports on the state of education, or a particular aspect of the education system. You can download PDF reports by clicking on the profile balloons on the map.

Rapid Assessment Calculator
The calculator provides an overview through data of the development of human capital and the factors that affect the use of human capital such as economic performance and governance. The user can compare variables for different countries, the same country over time, or a country and its region.

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