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Sounds from the classroom

Sounds from the classroom

A new publication from the EFA FTI was launched today in Copenhagen entitled "Sounds from the classroom" which features success stories from five EFA FTI countries (Ghana, Guyana, Madagascar, Mongolia and Yemen). It focuses on how basic education programs supported by the EFA FTI partnership have impacted the lives of children, parents and communities positively. The brochure tells the story of a nine-year old girl from Madagascar who will be the first of her family's eight children going beyond fifth grade and hopes to continue to high school. It is about a grade two student of an elementary school in Accra, Ghana who just loves to go to school everyday to learn and eat her bowl of boiled yam and kontomire which keeps her going for the whole day. It is also about a herder in Mongolia's remote steppe who takes his young son to a mobile pre-school by horseback — something that was unimaginable when he was a child.
Click here for the Media Advisory
Click here for the brochure
Please watch the slideshow here

Annual Report 2008: The Road to 2015 - Reaching the Education goals

Annual Report 2008: The Road to 2015 - Reaching the Education goals

The report can be downloaded here and for the Annual Report 2008 Fact Sheet please click here. Vous trouvez la version française ici.

For a feature article on Madagascar's accomplishments in the education sector, read more here. Pour l'article en français, cliquez ici.

Resource mobilization for EFA FTI successfully launched in Copenhagen and Washington
April 2009 - Partners of the Education for All - Fast Track Initiative (EFA FTI) launched in Copenhagen a resource mobilization effort to replenish FTI's trust funds which are confronted with a financing gap of US$ 1.2 billion for 2009 - 2010. At a well-attended high-level event at the World Bank Spring Meetings on April 25, donors and partner countries confirmed the goals of the EFA FTI replenishment process. The meeting was hosted by World Bank Managing Director Graeme Wheeler and the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Ms. Ulla Tørnæs, currently co-chair of the EFA - FTI. Other distinguished speakers offering their support were UK's Secretary of State for International Develoment, Minister Douglas Alexander, European Commissioner for Development Aid Louis Michel and the Ethiopian Minister of Finance, Ato Sufian Ahmed. Over 100 people participated in the meeting, including high-level representatives of 18 donor countries, Ministers of Finance of 16 FTI developing partner countries and members of the Global Campaign for Education. To download the transcript of the high-level event of 25 April 2009, please click here.

Election of a Third Civil Society Organization Representative on the EFA- FTI Board of Directors
April 2009 - The Education for All - Fast Track Initiative (EFA - FTI) is calling for a civil society organization (CSO) representative to serve as a member of its Board of Directors effective July 1, 2009. The selection process was officially launched on April 27, 2009. Civil society organizations interested in serving as a member of the EFA - FTI Board of Directors are invited to communicate their expression of interest to the EFA - FTI Secretariat by May 15, 2009. Please click here for more information on the process and to apply.

Education Fast Track brings hundreds of specialists to Copenhagen working to get children into school in the most effective and sustainable way
April 2009 - The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA FTI) welcomed two hundred education and development specialists from low-income countries, donor countries, UN agencies and civil society organizations to Copenhagen on April 20 - 21 for the EFA FTI's biennial partnership meeting. The two-day meeting allowed specialists and policy makers to discuss solutions for getting millions of out-of-school children around the world into classrooms as effectively as possible, while improving the quality of learning. Please click here for the press release announcing the event. Presentations and documents of the partnership meeting will be posted on this website shortly.

Making Aid More Effective for Education by 2010: 2008 FTI Survey Report Launched
April 2009 - The EFA FTI Secretariat initiated a pilot survey in 2008 on monitoring aid effectiveness in the education sector. Pilot countries were Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Rwanda. The 2008 FTI Survey was closely aligned with the 2008 OECD-DAC Monitoring Survey. The results of the Survey demonstrate a positive impact of the FTI process on local aid effectiveness. More specifically, the survey found that several countries scored significantly better at the education sector level than at the overall country level regarding the implementation of the Paris Declaration Indicators. The FTI Survey Report provides a summary of the outcomes in the education sector compared to the overall country performance regarding the Paris Indicators with targets set for 2010. To download the 2008 FTI Survey Report, please click here.

Newsletter Education for All - Fast Track Initiative, edition March 2009
March 2009 - The latest issue of the newsletter of the Education for All - Fast Track Initiative (EFA FTI) is posted here. Our intention is to keep our partners and friends informed about FTI programs and activities on a bi-monthly basis. If you would like to submit a text item for the upcoming newsletter, please send an email before May 11, 2009 to the EFA FTI Secretariat, email: information@educationfasttrack.org.

Final Country Level Processes Guide released
March 2009 - Based on the work of the task team for Strengthening Country Level Processes and approved by the Steering and Catalytic Fund Committees, a final version of the Country Level Process Guide is now posted. This document provides guidance for improvements in aid effectiveness. It is based on the core FTI principles that greater effectiveness can be achieved with support for education strategies through more aligned modalities, making greater use of country systems. A French version of the Process Guide is available on the French EFA FTI website.


Contact the Fast Track Initiative

EFA FTI Secretariat
c/o The World Bank
MSN G8-800
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC, 20433

Email: information@educationfasttrack.org