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High School Transcript Studies (HST)

CSSC Courses/Course Codes

Section 04 Architecture and Environmental Design

CSSC Code Title Alternate Titles Description
Main Category Sub-Category Course
04     ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN   A summary of groups of instructional programs that describe the methods to create, adapt, alter, preserve, and control man's physical and social surroundings.
  01   ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, GENERAL   A group of instructional programs that generally describe the methods to create, adapt, alter, preserve, and control man's physical and social surroundings.
    00 Architecture and Environmental Design, Other General    
  02   ARCHITECTURE   A group of instructional programs that describes the processes that promote the use of aesthetic patterns, forms, and structures for human purposes in harmony with the environment.
    11 Architecture, Introduction   history of architecture; architectural styles; forms in architecture; blueprint reading; basic drafting skills
    12 Architecture, Advanced   architectural design and drafting; floor plans; drawing elevations; foundations; mechanical plans
    21 Architectural Theory   building evolution; architectural construction, styles, terminology; area planning
    00 Architecture, Other    
  03   CITY, COMMUNITY, AND REGIONAL PLANNING   A group of instructional programs that describe the application of the planning process to the development of environmental program designed to deal with urban, regional, and other geographically distinct areas.
    00 City, Community, and Regional Planning, Other    
  04   ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN   A group of instructional programs that describe the processes, procedures, observations, and techniques essential to the development of designs for interior and exterior environments.
    00 Environmental Design, Other    
  05   INTERIOR DESIGN   A group of instructional programs that describe the processes, procedures, observations, and techniques essential to the development of designs for interior environments.
    11 Interior Design   design problems; color; furniture styles; interior environments; architectural concerns
    00 Interior Design, Other    
  06   LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE   A group of instructional programs that describe the design processes as applied to manmade structures and objects and animate and inanimate natural materials in the landscape with the object of furthering human purposes and synthesizing knowledge of functional relationships, human behavior, ecology, and land form, construction technology, and aesthetic sensitivity.
    00 Landscape Architecture, Other    
  07   URBAN DESIGN   A group of instructional programs that describe the systematic process of creating and modifying the physical elements which constitute a city; synthesizing function, aesthetic sensitivity, technology, and social, psychological, and economic well- being.
    00 Urban Design, Other    
  99   ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, OTHER   A group of instructional programs in architecture and environmental design not described above.

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Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)