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High School Transcript Studies (HST)

CSSC Courses/Course Codes

Section 01 Agribusiness and Agricultural Production

CSSC Code Title Alternate Titles Description
Main Category Sub-Category Course
01     AGRIBUSINESS AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION   A summary of groups of instructional programs that prepare individuals to apply scientific knowledge and methods, and technical skills in support of agribusiness and agricultural activities concerned with the production and propagation of crops and animals, supplies and services, mechanics, products processing and marketing, and horticulture.
  01   AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals to apply the economic and business principles involved in the organization, operation, and management of farm and agricultural business.
    11 Agribusiness, Introduction Agricultural Business Introductory course; agricultural businesses; management practices
    21 Agricultural Business Operation Agricultural Business Leadership salesmanship; marketing and records; economic principles; agricultural enterprise
    31 Farm and Ranch Management   accounting; taxes; production; financing; capital resources; farm enterprises
    41 State and Community Agriculture   agricultural information; optimum crop and animal production geographic locations
    51 Agricultural Mathematics   agricultural economics; business mathematics
    61 Agricultural Microprocessing   record keeping; tax records; software selection; equipment controls
    71 Agriculture Cooperatives Agricultural Cooperative Education 1 work experience in agribusiness; business organization
    72 Agricultural Cooperative Education 2   work experience in agribusiness; business organization
    81 Agriculture, Independent Study   agriculture studies; independent projects
    82 SOEP - Supervised Occupational Experience Program   agricultural related business operation; individual study
    00 Agricultural Business and Management, Other    
  02   AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals to select, operate, maintain, service, sell, and use agriculture/agribusiness power units, machinery, equipment, structures, and utilities. Includes instruction in agricultural power units; the planning and selection of materials for the construction of agricultural facilities; and the mechanical practices associated with irrigation, drainage, run-off, water conservation, and erosion control.
    11 Agricultural Mechanics, General Agricultural Construction and Maintenance agricultural equipment maintenance; maintenance of hand and power tools; arc welding
    12 Agricultural Mechanics 2   advanced course; agribusiness power equipment; methods of irrigation; land leveling; contouring
    13 Agricultural Mechanics 3   continued advanced study; agribusiness equipment
    14 Agricultural Mechanics 4   continued advanced study; agribusiness equipment
    21 Welding, Agricultural   welding repair and construction of agricultural machinery
    31 Power and Machinery, Agricultural Small Engines, Agricultural   equipment selection, operation and repair; agricultural power units
    41 Farm Construction   planning, materials selection; construction of agricultural structures; environmental facilities construction
    51 Electricity and Electronics, Agricultural   safe use of electricity; electrical power; automatic controls
    61 Soil and Water Mechanical Practices   irrigation; drainage; soil contours; terracing; strip cropping; irrigation equipment maintenance
    71 Surveying, Agricultural   describing geographic areas; agricultural applications; mapping; layout of contours; ponds
    00 Agricultural Mechanics, Other    
  03   AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals in planning and economically using facilities, land, water, machinery, chemicals, finance, and labor in the production of plant and animal products.
    11 Agricultural Production, General Production Agriculture animal and plant production; farming production
    12 Agriculture Technology 1   vocational agriculture; technical information about agriculture
    13 Agriculture Technology 2   processing and distribution of agricultural products
    21 Animal Production Animal and Veterinary Science; Animal Husbandry livestock production and basic veterinary science; selection, breeding, nutrition, health, housing, feeding, marketing; animal physiology and diseases
    31 Crop Production   grains; fiber; forages; specialty crops; harvesting; production facilities operation
    00 Agricultural Production, Other    
  04   AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND PROCESSING   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals to process food and nonfood products and to inspect those products preparatory to marketing. Includes instruction in the characteristics and properties of agricultural products and of agriculture-related processing techniques and skills including quality control and mechanical operations involved in marking, grading, inspecting, packaging, storing, and marketing.
    11 Agricultural Products and Processing 1   preparation of meat, dairy, poultry and produce for market, as well as aspects of quality control and marketing
    12 Agricultural Products and Processing 2    
    21 Agricultural Products and Processing - Cooperative Education    
    00 Agricultural Products and Processing, Other    
  05   AGRICULTURAL SERVICES AND SUPPLIES   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals to sell supplies for agricultural production; provide agricultural services; and purchase, grade, store, market, and transport agricultural products. Includes instruction in animal breeding, horseshoeing, small animal services, and animal hospital care services.
    11 Agricultural Supplies Marketing   marketing operations; feeds; fertilizers; machinery; seeds; herbicides; pesticides; fungicides
    21 Animal Grooming Pet Grooming techniques for grooming small animals
    00 Agricultural Services and Supplies, Other    
  06   HORTICULTURE   A group of instructional programs that prepare individuals to produce, process, and market plants, shrubs, and trees used principally for ornamental, recreational, and aesthetic purposes and to establish, maintain, and manage horticultural enterprises like arboriculture, floriculture, greenhouse operation and management, landscaping, nursery operation and management, and turf management. Includes instruction in machinery and equipment necessary for each horticultural enterprise.
    11 Horticulture Plant Propagation landscaping; florist and garden centers; turf growth and care; diseases; chemicals; pesticides; fungicides; insecticides
    21 Floriculture Floriculture and Gardening ornamental plant culture; turf management and gardening; greenhouse operation
    31 Landscaping Landscaping and Home Fruit Production; Landscape Maintenance and Construction; Landscape Design soil types; fertilizer use; lawn and turf maintenance; pest and disease control; plant identification; landscape planning and construction
    32 Landscaping, Advanced   history of landscaping; common styles of landscaping; practice in drawing techniques and design theory
    41 Greenhouse Management   plants under glass; artificial environments for plants; commercial production
    51 Nursery Operations and Management Nursery Practices; Nursery Management plant propagation; landscaping with plants; study of soils, insects, diseases, weeds, and agricultural chemicals
    61 Horticulture Power Equipment Operation and Maintenance Horticultural Mechanics 1 power equipment; horticulture operation and maintenance
    62 Horticultural Mechanics 2 Horticultural Mechanics - Cooperative Education  
    71 Turf Management   grasses and ground covers; growth and maintenance
    81 Fruit and Vegetable Production   orchard production; commercial vegetable production; harvesting; processing; marketing; storage
    00 Horticulture, Other    
  07   INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE   A group of Instructional programs that prepares individuals to apply the social, biological, and agricultural sciences, and technologies as they relate to food production and distribution on a worldwide scale.
    00 International Agriculture, Other    
  99   AGRIBUSINESS AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, OTHER   A group of instructional programs in agribusiness and agricultural production not described above.
    00 Agribusiness and Agricultural Production, Other    

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